Short Post Create Community [SteemWomen Club]
Ashsalamu Alaikum

A short post never increases a community value. Every member of the community will create more good and quality posts. That community will be more developed. Short posts take a community to a lower level day by day. When a person earns an excessive amount of rewards through an excessively small post, it is considered abuse of earnings. Because a skilled content creator gets rewarded for his quality posts, while another user who is getting more rewards for his extra short posts, which he doesn't deserve, is abuse of earnings, which is not desirable at all. So everyone on the Steemit platform should be encouraged to create quality content. Community Admin and Moderators have to explain the matter to new and old users on their own initiative. Even if they do not come in the right way. Then warning and downvoting should be given to those who regularly post short, so that everyone makes quality posts. This will make the Steemit platform more popular for everyone.

I noticed all the posts in the SteemWomen Club community today I have seen some accounts of this. Those who posted using less than 100 words and less than 3 images And earning more rewards. And support has been given to all those posts from the community account And SteemWomen Club is encouraging them through community support. This is not expected from such a large community. I would like all admins and moderators of the community to notice this. And take an action on this matter.

Below I have shared the name and link of some short posted person.

Thank you
Good observation.
Pity you are powering down otherwise we would have been able to give you a good vote.
Opss it's such a pity, I really don't know why so many people just power down after been supported by this platform, I believe it should be a two way thing. As the platform support users grow users should also help the platform grow instead of doing other wise
I don’t need for vote 🙂
That's lovely, that's how a good steemian should think.
Wishing you success
I made the post to point out the community's mistake 🙂 . It's not for voting.
These community members are abusing. I will be very happy if you arrange to downvote them. @steemcurator01
Sprouting goodness!🌱