try to draw a doodle art on human butterfly❤️
DRAWING | I made another beautiful drawing today ..try to draw a doodle art on human butterfly❤️..and Doodle art in easy way..
According to Wikipedia, Doodling is
An unfocused or unconscious drawing, made while a person’s attention is occupied.
Doodle art is about drawing as you wish or scribbling. Draw in scribble is a fun. It may or may not have any meaning..
I am sharing another of my favorite drawings today. I hope you all like it very much. I completed the drawing with some very simple materials today as always.
- Pencil
- Eraser
- Gel pen
- drawing board
- Normal pen
Hello everyone, i am here to share a new doodle art. Its a drawing of a human butterfly..
Let's take a look at how I made my drawing step by step.
There was a lot of love for everyone in the community. I will always pray that everyone will be well by the grace of God. And you will all pray for me and my family
And a few words about me
My name is Sharmin. I have completed Diploma Engineering from a government college. I have completed Diploma in Civil Technology. I occasionally try to write something on my own, and I love drawing. And I'm trying to make my drawings better.
I wish you all good health. If there is any mistake, you will be forgiven..