| Steemit Promotional Event | 100 people's Meal | Big arrangements | 10% payout goes to @bd-charity
Everyone knows what situation we are in. Due to Covid-19 many poor people is struggling. It's a month of Ramadan. Everyone is fasting in this month. So yesterday me , @toufiq777 and @sohanurrahman made a plan to make arrangement of Iftar (breaking fast) by the name of #steemit. I am happy to say that we distributed foods to 100 people. I have added 10% benifitiary to @bd-charity.
It's a big arrangement. It wasn't easy to do this type of event by myself. We made a fund.
Sponsored by | @toufiq777 @sohanurrahman @nahidhasan23 |
Today morning I went to market for shipping. I called @sohanurrahman for helping me. It took 2 hours to complete our shopping. After that we came back.

Few minutes later we started cooking. We were very lucky that we got some volunteer. They helped us a lot. After that we started packaging food.
We managed to pack 100 packets. Now it was time to distribute the packages to people. We took the packages in a big bag and went to railway station. There we got many people.
While giving foods to the people I can't express by words, how I felt at that time. The expression of the people while taking food from me.... It was very heart warming.
We were so busy that we couldn't manage to take a selfie together. I some how managed to take a selfie while distributing the food. From middle @toufiq777 and from right @sohanurrahman. In the end I want to say another #Steemit promotional event has been done. I am very happy. Because of this event many people got to know about this platform.
My past Steemit promotional activities
Steemit party 2020:

Steem Sports 2020:

Steemit Meetup Party 2021:
WOC Premier league 2021:
Many good memories. Another great day for adding in my steemit memory.
We're fully supporting your act of kindness. If you take any further initiative for poor people in future,we want to be by your side. We'll definitely try to support from our funding.
Thanks & Best of luck
You're welcome
আশা করি সারাজীবন তুমি এমন জনদরদী কাজের সাথে লেগে থাকবা৷ রোজা শেষ হলে আমি একটি উদ্যোগ নিবো। আমরা প্রতিদিন এভাবে কিছু না কিছুদ দিয়ে মানুষকে সাহায্য করবো।
Thanks to you for helping me.
Great work. It was a great day for us. You were proactive today. Hope you will help more people in the feature and also join us in your good deeds.
Thanks for helping.
Appreciate it!
Thank you
What a nice work my bro. Go Ahead. 💕💕
Thanks for your valuable comment
আলহামদুলিল্লাহ অনেক ভালো একটা কাজ করছো বন্ধু 🖤তোমাকে অনেক ধন্যবাদ🖤
সামনে এরকম আরো অনেক ভালো কাজ করবো দোয়া থাকলো🖤🖤 keep supporting 🖤
Thanks for those words. I appreciate it.
You are always welcome here brother 🖤
আলহামদুলিল্লাহ !! খুবই সুন্দর একটি কাজ সম্পন্ন করেছেন। আমরাও এইরকম একটি উদ্যেগ নিয়েছি। আশাকরি সফল ভাবে সম্পন্ন করতে পারবো।
Insallah you can do it.
অনেক অনেক দোয়া রইলো ❤️🔥😴 আল্লাহ আপনাদের অনেক বড় করুক🔥😶
ভালো থাকবেন।
Thank you so much
🥺🔥most wellcome
Take love 🖤
মাশা-আল্লাহ খুব ভালো একটি উদ্যোগ....
আপনাদের উদ্যোগকে স্বাগতম জানাচ্ছি....
স্পেশালি ধন্যবাদ @toufiq777 ও @nahidhasan23 ভাইকে এমন একটি প্রজেক্ট সুন্দর ভাবে করার জন্য।