Hind Whale Community's X Platform (Twitter) Share Report | 01-03-2025
Assalam O Alaikum |
Hello dear friends! How are you all? I hope you will be doing well by the grace of Almighty Allah. I'm abdullahw2, the moderator of Hindwhale Community. Today I'm here to share the x promotion report of our community. Before that, our moderator @pathanapsana was performing that duty but now the admin of our community @jyoti-thelight ma'am has provided me that opportunity which I accept wholeheartedly. So now, let's have a look at the people of our community which are regularly sharing their posts on x to promote Steemit.
- Active users : 162
- X Promotion 62
In the above data, you can see that total 40 people have promoted Steemit on x which is quite better ratio but we want to improve it and want to git the target of more than 80+ x promotes. Due to that reason, we are doing best in our community as providing users to share their ideas, knowledge, creativity and experience with us through different contests and in return, they get the booming reward.
Currently, we are insisting people to promote Steemit on other social media platforms as it is very important. As the more people join Steemit, the circulation of Steem increases in the market which increase the price of Steem token as well. Furthermore, if any of huge investor invest in Steemit, the price of Steem will be on moon.
So due to all these reasons, it is our responsibility to promote Steemit in other social media platforms to improve the popularity of Steemit platform. In the contests, I assure the participants the Steemit promotion is a rule to take a part in my contest. I will also do and keep doing the same things to promote Steemit platform to other social media platforms and I hope one day Steemit will stand high.