#Diary game

in Steem Africa4 years ago (edited)


I woke up around 6:30am by the help of my alarm today being Tuesday 29/06/2021 it rains so heavy in the morning making the weather so dull and coldy
me and my big buddy already out for work but was stock under the rain so we had to take cover at the gas station i nearly died out of cold but thank God am still alive.
We finally made it to work but a bit late so we had to do the do.if you dont know us in building work you never know person.
we had the assignment of fixing iron doors and rairing on a two story building, thats a piece of cake for us


We had to use chisle and monday harmer to creat holes on the marked area nessecery for the fixing of the door and rairing
We hung the two doors leading to the staircase for security reason then we proceeded to the doors on the first floor.
It 1:00pm already thats our normal launch time my brother is a low energy machine so dont eat much but me i cant do without food so eat alot, we dealt with our norml site food thats bread and mineral
After our lounch we regained strenght again, we then proceeded with the chocking of the doors
we mixed cement together with sand to form malta then we used the malta to fill the gapes between the door and the wall, this was our last activity at the site
It started raining once more but is late already we coudn't wait for the rain so we set our journy home under the rain
getting to waterside bridge we got on board by a mini bus,not long the driver got stock by traffic he had to turn back saying he is not going again and still insisted that we pay him so we paid him and traked from the slaughter at waterside to ngwaroad by east where we entered bus to home it was really a stressfull journey way home i was really tired so i just took my dinner and went to bed while my brother proceeded with some architectural works.

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