The End of Gold and Silver Manipulation...

As per my "Vision"...
The Melt Value of Gold and Silver will be backed by a "Stable" United States Monetary System...

The Price of Gold and Silver will be "Set" by We the People...

I believe, I figured out the Final Melt Value Price of Gold...

That's when Gold Manipulation comes to a Screeching STOP...

No more Gold Speculation...

Silver may be a different Story, but my Vision has a Solution for Higher Silver Prices, just in case...

Silver will be Sky High at the Start of the U.S. Monetary Reset, so I can't see a problem for years to come...

Just as the One Ounce Silver Bullion Coins now say One Dollar, they can easily be changed to Five Dollars Silver Eagles...

If Five Dollar Silver Eagles have a problem down the Road with Melt Value Prices exceeding the Face Value of our Silver Eagles, they can be turned in for their current Melt Value Price, and Minted into "One Ounce" Ten Dollar Silver Eagles...

The Face Value of our U.S. Gold and Silver Bullion Coinage, must always remain Higher than their Melt Value...

It's nice to know, we will have Options...

But don't worry...

I'm sure Platinum, Palladium and Rhodium will still be Manipulated by those able to Control, Supply and Demand...

Gold and Silver will become as "Stable" as our "Sound Money"...

Wouldn't you love to know the Melt Values of Gold and Silver at the Start of the U.S. Monetary Reset...???

I won't tell you in this Post...

For the Final Melt Values, you'll have to do a Search of my almost 900 Blogs here on Steemit...

You can expect Massive amounts of Gold and Silver to Flood into the United State Treasury, once the Melt Values are "Announced"...

Everyone will Turning in their Gold and Silver Bars and Rounds, to obtain our "Sound Money"...

Yes, Gold and Silver will come Pouring in and their Melt Value will be turned into Face Value...

The Face Value of our Bullion Coinage is going to become very important, because it will back the Face Value of our Circulating "Sound Money"...

Our "Sound Money" will be will be used all over the World...

It will be the World Reserve Currency of "Choice"...

It won't be Forced upon other Countries, like the Fiat Debt Notes were...

People will Open their Arms Wide, and enjoy our "Stable Money"...

Our "Sound Money" will be as Stable as "Gold and Silver"...

There's more to my Vision, but you'll have to check that out on my Past or Future Posts...

December 7, 2019... 14.0 Hollywood Time...


I'd love to know the Melt Values of Gold and Silver at the Start of the U.S. Monetary Reset.

If I tell you, I’ll have to tell Just click on #ssg-membership... It won’t be that hard to find...
December 7, 2019... 22.2 Hollywood Time...

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