The spiritual nature: Since you are his child, God has made you also an heir. Galatians 4:7
The Kingdom of God begins with a spiritual foundation, we have to choose between the slavery of sin and the freedom of the spirit. When we act out of fear and greed looking for happiness and apparent goods such as money, power and fame, how much money or how much power is necessary to be happy? The thirst for power or money is like drinking saltwater from the sea, the thirst never stops, we always go for more, power and money become the masters that dominate our thinking, and thus a teaching is fulfilled: "Everyone who sins is a slave to sin", John 8:34.
The search for the apparent goods leads us to a risky and uncertain life, because these goods, as well as help us to live better, can also lead us to ruin: "Teach those who are rich in this world not to be proud and not to trust in their money, which is so unreliable" 1 Timothy 6:17.
Only the search for the truth makes us truly free, because wisdom and the gift of eternal life lead us on the right path of life. But the search for the truth has another blessing, it makes us participate in the spiritual nature, and makes us children of the Most High: "Since you are his child, God has made you also an heir" Galatians 4:7.
God is the wisdom itself: "To the only wise God be glory forever," Romans 16:27. And being children of God means being wise as God is wise. To be wise means to be spiritually perfect or complete, and this in practical terms means being a person who is not subject to error: "Who is never at fault in what they say is perfect, able to keep their whole body in check" James 3:2.
The apostle Paul explains also that when we are children of God we are his heirs, heirs of the eternal life, the knowledge of God, the contemplative life, the eternal life is the most perfect spiritual gift for man, the worship of God in spirit and in truth, as explains Jesus to the Samaritan woman.
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