🎵#Song-Challenge 💿 Day 24: A song by a band you wish were still together: VIVA LA TIA - Geister der Vergangenheit
Welcome to the 24th day of my 30-days-song-challenge:
Today: A song by a band I wish were still together:
Actually I don't know for sure if they're still together. But as I haven't heard anything (no song noy youtube, no Homepage, no facebook, nothing) from them for five years now I think they aren't together anymore. I'd really enjoy hearing new stuff from this band who play onkelz-style with a great ass-kicking female shouter.
So I choose (And it's hard to choose a single song from their album because nearly every single track is great):
Geister der Vergangenheit
Jahrelang habt Ihr versucht mich KLEIN zu zelebrier'n,
anstatt mich OHNE WENN und ABER zu lieben und zu führ'n.
Kommt reicht mir eure Hände, ich zeig' euch wer ich bin.
Im Abgrund meiner Seele. Der Weg ist vorbestimmt.
In mir da ist es finster.
Ich suche das Licht.
Wenn ich einsam und verletzlich bin
verlasst Ihr mich nicht.
als eine Frau die alles schafft.
Kommt reicht mir Eure Hände!
Mit den Onkelz kam die Freiheit, mit der Freiheit der Verstand.
Wahre Worte wie Geschosse reichen mir die Hand.
Die TANTE liebt die ONKELZ, so wird es immer sein.
Aus Fremden werden Freunde. Ich bin nie mehr allein.
Wir sind so viele mehr als V.I.E.R.
Und immer wenn es dunkel wird seid Ihr bei mir.
Und diese Nacht soll tau-send Jah-re dau-ern!
Mehr songtexte: http://www.songtextemania.com/geister_der_vergangenheit_songtext_viva_la_tia.html
Alle Infos über Viva La+Tia: http://www.musictory.de/musik/
previous days:
Day 1 (song with a color in the title): Wumpscut - Soylent Green
Day 2: (song with a number in the title): Die Streuner - 10 Orks
Day 3: (song that reminds you of summertime): AC⚡DC - Thunderstruck
Day 4 (song that reminds you of a someone you'd rather forget): Lisa Fitz - Ein Abschiedslied für Merkel
Day 5 (song that needs to be played loud): AC⚡DC - Big Gun
Day 6 (a song that you want to dance to): The Eternal afflict - San Diego
Day 7 (a song to drive to): Oliver Onions - Dune Buggy (Bud Spencer & Terence Hill)
Day 8 (a song about drugs or alcohol): Faust - Oh lieblich Göttertrunk
Day 9 (a song that makes you happy): Fulkultur - Ugly dancer
Day 10 (a song that makes you sad): Gary Jules - MAd World
Day 11 (a song you never get tired of): Abney Park - Airship Pirates
Day 12 ( a song from your preteen years): Pumuckl - Intro
Day 13 ) a song you like from the 70s): Bonnie Tyler - Lost in France
Day 14 (a song you'd love to be played at your wedding): Uriah Heep - Lady in black
Day 15 (a song you like that's by another artist): Tyske Ludder - Was wollen wir trinken sieben Tage lang?
Day 16 (a song that's a classic favorite): AC⚡DC - Highway to hell
Day 17 (a song you'd sing a duet with someone on karaoke): Freddy Krüger (nightmare on Elm street) - Eins zwei - Freddy kommt vorbei
Day 18 (a song from the year you were born): Patti Smith Group - Because the Night
Day 19 (a song that makes you think about life): Louis Armstrong - What a wonderful world
Day 20 (a song that has many meanings to you): Unheilig - Freiheit
Day 21 (a song that you like with a person's name in the title): Oliver Onions (Bud Spencer) - Banana Joe
Day 22 (a song that moves you forward): Glittertind - Går Min Eigen Veg
Day 23 (a song you thin keverybody should listen to): Dee Ex - Deutschland - kein Wintermärchen