How I Break a 60 day Juice Fast

How I Broke the Fast (Today!)

During the evening of the juice feast’s 60th day of fasting, I prepared prune water and soaked prunes. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Get a mason jar with ounce-measurement markers.
  2. Pour 16 ounces of water into the jar. Distilled is fine--just stay away from these waters known to contain fluoride!
  3. Add dried prunes to the water until the water reaches the 24 ounce mark. Effectively, this is how you add 8 ounces of prunes to water with an accurate measurement. If you care about measurements :)
  4. After about 6-8 hours, your prunes and the water that soaked them will be ready for consumption. I do not recommend that you over soak the prunes :)

Once you wake up in the morning, start by drinking the water of the soaked prunes. I did this today, and the juice is great. I loved it just as much as I loved it after ending my first juice feast.



Afterwards, and during the day, I had about 32 ounces of water. Some awesome water that I will tell you about shortly...

Breaking the fast with prunes is a great idea. You want to get enough water because you may definitely dehydrate yourself. Within an hour to a few hours you should have a final “blast” of anything ready to exit your colon. Ultimately, and preferably, you will find prune fibers in the toilet from your bowel movement.

Evening “Food”

  • About 48 ounces of watermelon juice. I also juiced 2 guavas with the watermelon, and it tastes absolutely amazing—like candy!! I squeezed lime into the juice as well.
  • After 30-45 minutes, I meticulously chewed and consumed 1/4 of a ripe papaya. I chose papaya because it has a shorter bowel transit time—meaning that it will pass through my digestive track relatively quickly compared with other fruits—and I believe that papaya fruit has a laxative effect. It is important during the beginning of breaking the fast that you start off with laxative fruits before enjoying the juicy fruits.



During the evening, generally I would just have another 64 ounces of juice. This time I am breaking the fast over a 7-day period instead of a 12-day period. During this 7-day period, I will prepare and transition my digestive system so that after the 7 days I will be able to eat any type of fruit or hearty salad with comfort.

I say this truly and directly: your times after transitioning from a colon-cleansing fast is a time where you thrive day by day! You thrive with excellent nutrient absorption, and in fact, I believe you will have excellent nutrient assimilation even if you continued with the juice feast.

Preliminary “Breaking the Fast” Schedule

For water during times of the day where you feel dehydrated, add lemon or lime to the water. Here is my current schedule for breaking this fast:

  • Thursday: (today) Afternoon: 16 ounces of prune water. 8 ounces of prunes. About 32 ounces of water. Evening: About 48 ounces of watermelon juice with guava and half of a lime. A quarter of a papaya.

  • Friday: Afternoon: 32 ounces of watermelon juice, and after at least 30 minutes, half of a super ripe papaya. It is waiting for me, and I am staring at it :) Evening: monomeal of about 3 dragon fruits.

  • Saturday: Afternoon: monomeal of grapes. Evening: monomeal of TOMATOES!!! I can’t wait.

  • Sunday: monomeal of a juicy fruits in the afternoon and evening.

  • Monday: monomeal of berries and melons, or perhaps a thicker juicy fruit such as mangos. I will likely introduce something a little heavier such as a glass of home-made coconut milk (coconut meat blended with that coconut’s water).

  • Tuesday: Afternoon: monomeal with juicy fruit. Evening: a large and simple salad with 1 tender, leafy green (thinly sliced), 1 fruit (most likely tomato or apples), and a single ingredient dressing (lemon, lime, or both).

  • Wednesday: Afternoon: monomeal papaya or bananas. Evening: simple salad with 2 tender, leafy greens, 1 fruit (and perhaps half of a small avocado), and a 2-ingredient dressing. My goal is to introduce more fat somehow--either within dressing or as the fruit portion.

I like making lists like this, even if they are only tentative. After these 7 days I will resume my fruit-based diet. I do love “man salads”, so I know I’ll be enjoying some excellent salads in the future... :)

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