Architects of Social Engineering Speak Out the Truth


Stumbled across this gripping video montage by Anonymous which features a pair of former founding executives of Facebook - Sean Parker and Chamath Palihapitiya expressing their revulsion and regret about how they initially took part in helping to develop the social media behemoth.


Chamath Palihapitiya, image source

Palihapitiya - an extremely astute and articulate individual - lays it bare outlining how the social media platform was designed to deceive and manipulate the masses and how this type of social media is ripping society apart.

Even legendary actor Denzel Washington weighs in the conversation stating that people, the young in particular, are highly addicted to social media and how everyone yearns to be liked and seeks attention and gratification through their social networks (at the expense of forming more meaningful face-to-face relationships in the offline world).


Actor Denzel Washington

The influence and power of social networks and social networking in today's society is tremendous, unparalleled in human history. It is a double-edged sword, however, as it can not only empower our free will but dismantle it just as easily.

It is really up to us to generate a more thoughtful understanding and perception of our presence online and use of social networks - including Steemit.

Let's face it, what these guys are talking about is extremely real and powerful. It works. Don't believe me? Look at your presence here on Steemit. Don't you seek those Upvotes and Resteems? Of course we all do, present company included.

There's a wonderful world out there offline; so let's not forget the importance of spending more time with our family, friends, and even strangers. When is the last time you sought to meet or introduced yourself to a complete stranger? We do it almost every day online. So why not in our physical environment?

In Truth and Liberty,


Video Links:

  • Anonymous - This will Change Everything You Know... (2018-2019), accessed 2018-02-11

  • This will Change Everything You Know! by Jason A, accessed 2018-02-11


You offer good advice...strengthen community ties, family ties, LOCAL ties. This is easily pushed aside in the digiverse. This recently passed Christmas, after living in my new neighborhood for two years and not being invited by any neighbors to any gatherings, I did a dude's happy hour at my house. It was brilliant. A group of six guys, barking about serious issues over beers in my living room till well past midnight on a Wednesday (wife was a little pissed the next morning getting ready for work). But, the point. Silence in the neighborhood for two years, then, a little get together and BAM, a little community. Real human connections, people you can call on, people who are invested in you as a person. Good stuff.

I'm hoping Steemit turns out to be the way G+ was in the early days. Substantive, quality conversations on real issues by people that want to dig beyond the daily, bullshit MSM chatter. Here's to hoping!

Couldn't agree with you more about get togethers. I really miss the human-to-human / face-to-face deep discussions about deep issues with like-minded (and open-minded) people; but, unfortunately, it seems this is something that is becoming harder and harder to come by.

Sadly, it is getting harder and harder. Still trying to work by way of craigslist to develop a local crypto know, talk about, trade (outside of the centralized exchanges), share ideas on something easy for everyone to start with...crypto! Lots of good hop-off points from there. We'll see how things progress, a few takers thus far.

I like your approach of starting with something less controversial (or not too "red pill"-like); good strategy my friend.

Yep, it's the bait and switch. I went to a fancy business school so the douchebag was educated into me early on in life.

Haha. You gotta use the tools that you've got my friend. Thumbs_Up-1.jpg

Thank you for the videos @libertyacademy. The big brother is watching you. and me. and all of us. Digital age made it so much easier to collect personal information on all aspects of our lives, do social profiling and social engineering. I wrote a post on the subject. Please let me know if you find it interesting

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