SLCTextileClub S23W1|How to crochet a flower wall art.


It is nice to take part in this challenge and I was happy crocheting this piece of art using yarn. I got the inspiration to do this beautiful flower with fruits and decided to show steps by steps on how I made it.

I actually thought of a piece of art on a wall and then I was inspired to crochet a flower possibly frame it for wall decor. I have a picture of how it will be through sketching then I began to execute it.

I appreciate our mentor @naka05 and @analp for their time in guiding us well on crochet

Tools used

Different colours of yarn that matchesleaf green, sea green, red and fuchsia pink
Crochet pin1
Guma tin
A4 white paper1 piece
Scissorsa pair

Tools used

To begin I will be showing videos of how I crochet all this flowers step by step video tutorial on how to do it.


To begin, first of all you need to make chain stitch for the branches of the flower.

I crocheted different sizes of chain, the first one is 30 chain stitch 2 of 10 chain stitch and 2 of 15 chain stitch all this is for the branches. Then I crochet the leaf.

Watch the video to see how I made it.


I crochet different flowers with different colours combination of yarn just to make my work look colourfully beautiful. It needs 2 step to complete this task.

First step; To make the flowers first of all I started by making a circle of high stitch with a yarn then close it with a slip stitch.

Second step; from the sleep I joined another colour then make three chains take two double loops and insert it in the next hole, yarn over and make triple crochet, I repeated it twice then at the end of the second triple crochet I make three chains take it to the next hole and close it with a slip starts another chain I repeated the process till I round the circle.

Watch the video below to see how I did it.


I made a loop of about 25 on the pin at once then slowly pull the pin out by a stitch in each bunch of 5 lines.

Once you get to the end, add another colour of yarn then skip one bunch and start making 3 loops on each 4 stitch that was made. Repeat the process for 5 times and on each lines skip one bunch so as to make it stay in an ascending order.

Watch me do it in the video


I made a circle and crochet double stitch round the circle then end it with a slip stitch. I crochet 12 chain and close each of it with a slip stitch.

Watch how I do it below 👇

1000343011.jpgAll my crochet flowers, fruit, stem/branches were ready to be fixed.

Finally, watch how I assembled all of it to make it a beautiful flower. 👇 Also follow along below as I explained with pictures too how I assembled it.

My gum was available to glued the piece together to form a beautiful piece of art. In this next step creativity is required so as to place the flowers well making it look beautiful to the eyes.

Follow along while I show you how I did mine

1000343171.jpgI gum the flower branch as the base of my beautiful piece of art.
1000343096.jpgadding the branches and the leafs to the the flower
1000343100.jpgguming the first flower to the flower branch
1000343172.jpgglueing the fruit to the flower
1000343174.jpgglueing the last flower by the right
1000343173.jpgglueing the second to the last flower by the left
1000343169.jpgglueing the last flower by the left

I hope to turn it to resin art so it durability will be certain

I believe you enjoyed the tutorial and will like to give it try.

Thank you for following along, I will like to invite @dequeen @ninapenda and @genomil to take part in this contest.



Hola amiga, nos presentas una muy original creación,
con un buen paso a paso que incluye videos y fotografías,
buen detalle de invertir los colores,
me encanta cómo quedaron las frutillas,
gracias por compartir
que tengas un excelente día!!!

Oh I'm grateful, thank you so much I appreciate your nice comments and good observation.

Hola amiga, que hermosa obra de arte, enmarcada debe quedar espectacular, te felicito, tienes un gran talento.
Puedes hacer cualquier cosa para enmarcar, seguro te quedaran igual de bellas.
Saludos, te deseo mucho éxito.

Oh thank you so much , I will definitely frame it, thanks for such a commendation from you.


Es un arte poder tejer tan bien como lo haces, no tengo ese talento. Pero admiro el trabajo de todos y me parece interesante y súper bonito!

Oh I'm grateful, I learned it here in steemit and I appreciate the privilege so much. If you want to learn, you can do so too.

Hola, amiga, bonito trabajo, muy original. Protegerlo y darle más acabado con acrílico debe ser genial.

Me encanta verte de nuevo en estos retos.

Yeah I've ordered for it so I can use it already

Thank you for your nice comment

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