Showcase-sunday: When was The First Time you Content Created?
Good content, bad content, mood content, what the heck is good content anyway? After nearly 2 years on this blockchain it seems I still ain't got a clue. But still, we keep on content creating.
Which brings me to this article I posted last year. It goes into how that same year I realized I had been a content creator all along, schemes over a few examples, and there may or may not be some food for thought. Enjoy!
Before steem, I'd never considered myself a content creator. Maybe the occasional troll on twitter, or the pretentious thinker on facebook but, never really a content creator. Heck, I didnt even consider myself a content consumer. Go figure!
But recently, mostly thanks to this beautiful yet cruel platform, I've come to terms with the fact that I am indeed one, and am now embracing it.

Light, Bulb, Current- by Comfreak -, CCO
Which has now led me down the rabbit hole that is my memories trying to see if I had been one all along, and if possible, pinpoint where it all started. And it turns out that the first content I was ever into creating was ... Drawing!
Yes, I was into drawing from mid primary to S1. I was addicted to showing off my skills, still fascinated by DBZ, I'd spend hours competing with my friends to determine who could draw the dopest looking Saiyans!
Sadly I sucked at it! Like really really bad. So much so that all my characters had underbites, their limbs were never proportional and honestly, most times they looked like they didn't even want to be there.
If you love someone set them free right? I abandoned them and never looked back! Just how selfless can one get?
Anywho, if you thought this would be a happy ending type of message, I'm sorry to inform you that as soon as I entered high school, my drawing days were over quicker than this punchline came.
Still, that period did add a lot of value to my life. Such as; bonding with peers through drawing or similar shenanigans, inspiration for this shitpost and, much more.
Also looking back, I realize I have actually created more content or at least, taken part in more content than initially admitted.
From a short play in 2nd grade revolving around this tongue twister that I can still recite (kind of), to crushing it while playing a clown in 4th grade. Presumably a foreshadow of my eventual kidnapping by @comedyopenic's crew. Bastards got their ransom and just disappeared. 😂😂😭
There were 1 or 2 more performances during high school, and 2 more on prom night. Heck, I even performed in a few plays during the 2005 (or 2006) Africa Haguruka (Africa Arise), a yearly Christian conference, that lasts for 7 days. I even sang as part of the choir in that same conference, I believe my mic was muted.
Which begs the question, Where my fuckin grammy at damn it! lol In all seriousness though, the trip down memory lane was a fun one. Not only that but, it also revealed that the corny paraphrased saying; "Everybody is a content creator to a certain extent, if they allow it." is true!! So, yaaay..?

Laurel Wreath - by Clker-Free-Vector-Images - CCO,
All things considered, as brief as those moments were, they did make me feel more alive and nearly unstoppable. Whether through the drawings, or the performances, the thrill in the moment would always be worth the hassles and the angst before the showdowns.
And not only did they make for legendary moments, but they would also help me break out of my shell. Definitely needed them, more than I would ever care to admit! That was before though. Now, am grateful for them, and actually hope for some encores one day.
Sure it can be daunting but, I'd recommend people to experiment with different forms of content, through whichever medium they choose. Might just be surprised by how liberating and rewarding it can be. 😉
Well, as all good things must come to an end, so does this collection of flashbacks. I hope you enjoyed it, but before leaving, tell me how it all started for you. What was the first content you ever created? Did you stick with it? And if not, why?

Curtains Close - by geralt - CCO,
Woah thank you for using and not giving up on me.
Sent you something with gratitude. Kindly read this short post:
Where possible, kindly let us do a livestream if you are a public figure on steem. I would like to explain many things, including listen to you and your dreams. I would value this too.
I just saw the 10k marlians power. Thanks a lot man, I really appreciate it.
As for the livestream, not yet. I do have a dream but to go really into it I'd have to go into what drove me to it, which is a sub story that still eats at me a lot, and that I don't feel like sharing on the blockchain. Not yet anyways.
I'd love to talk about it all privately if you don't mind though. :)
Ps: I'll be posting from marlians more often :)