A struggle topic: Self-portrait Contest | 一個掙扎的題目:自畫像挑戰
Hello everyone! Actually I am kind of nervous and wondering should I make this post, as the following contact may not be interested by some of you, or maybe even most of you. But, after all, I decided to give it a try. As what I always say, you can only live once, why not give it a try, even if you fail down, that’s Ok, just walk away and start a new one. So, I decided to make my very first drawing post!
大家好! 對於要不要發今天的這個帖子其實我是掙扎了很久,因為以下的內容,或許有一些人會覺得很沒趣。不,可能是大部份的人都會覺得很沒趣。但是最後,我還是選擇要發這個帖子。正如我一往的說後,畢竟你只能活一次嘛,為什麼不試一試? 失敗了就再試一次就好了。所以我決定發出我第一個的繪畫帖子。
Why I suddenly have such idea? Well, thanks to @nicolemoker, for celebrating her 50 days in Steemit, she made her first drawing contest, and which is about Self-Portrait. When I see such a little girl have such a big progress with only 50 days, I decided that I should learn from her. And try to make a little progress for my life. And for people like me who almost fail in every art class, I decided to join the contest and make my very first drawing post as the first step.
為什麼我突然會有這個意圖呢? 首先要感謝 @nicolemoker吧,為了慶祝她在Steemit的第50天,她開辦了一個繪畫比賽,主題是自畫像。當我看到這一位小女孩在Steemit上這麼短的時間已經有這麼好的進程時,我決定也要向她好好學習,我也要在我的人生中走出一小步。對於一個從小到大都沒有在美術課上合格過的人來說,我決定參加這個比賽,也發出我的第一個繪畫帖子。
Preparation 準備
That’s the background of this post, and now, let’s get started for the drawing. The first thing I have to decide is the tool. You know, for art people, they have a lot of different tools for their drawing. Even for brush, they have over 10 different types of it. So, which should I choose? Finally, I decided to learn from child and use the most basic and simple tool for my drawing! Which is, our finger!
So, after I decided use my finger to draw my self-portrait, what pigment should I use? I tried to search it on the internet to see are there any pigment is perfect for finger. I have seen some people would use oil color or water color, but the feedback from them is not so good by using a finger. And finally I search the Crayola Fingerpaint.
It is made for kids above 3 years as their first finger draw pigment. I think that is perfect for me, as I think I cannot draw better than 3 years old kid. And I try to show you the texture of the pigment by the below photo (though I think it don’t help too much).
它是專門為了3 歲以上的小孩而研發的手指顏料,而我覺得這是為我而設的,因為我根本沒有比3歲的小朋友畫得好的自信。我在下圖給大家看一看這個顏料的質感吧(不過可能不太看得出來)。
Process 過程
I first draw the contour and full it by yellow color, yes simple enough.
Then I try to draw the ear. I learn from the internet that ear should be in the middle of a human’s head.
And then I draw the hair by blue color, and to make it as another half of a human’s head.
And finally I draw the mouth and glass! Yes, I wear glass every day! And finished! Look, a Simpsons style self-portrait was finished!
Postscript 後記
Lol! I know I draw it so bad, but I think that’s fine, as at least I have tried my best. And this is only my first time, and I hope I will have my next time and can do it better!
And I would like to say the Crayola Fingerpaint is quite fun to play, I tried to mix different color by the three color it provided. And gradient effect is quite beautiful!
And now, I have to wash my tool – fingers!
而最後是時候洗淨我的工具 – 手指了!
Thanks for everyone who read until the end of this post! And I do hope you enjoy it (thought I think most of you will not XD). Actually drawing is not really that hard to play with, indeed, it is quite fun. But of course if you want a good drawing, which may take you a long time to make it. So, start from today, let’s all make our little step for what we are not familiar with! Cheers!
感謝看到這裏的各位!我希望你會喜歡吧 (雖然我想信大部份的人都應該不會 XD)。其實畫畫也不會太難,還可以說是挺有趣的。但若是你想要畫出一幅好畫,大概你就要付出很多的努力了吧。所以,就讓我們從今天開始踏出我們的一小步,去適應我們所不熟悉的東西吧!
Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoy it!
And please follow me and see my other post if you like it: @victorier
如果你覺得不錯的話請你追蹤我,也可以看我其他的文章: @victorier
哈哈 满满的艺术细胞
色彩調得不錯啊~~ :D
這...不好說吧 XD

OK, you win! I can't stop laughting!
Hell yeah!
It is fun reading your journey . In school, i got C minus for art. Tske a look st my submission. It does not really look like me but you can tell it is a girl.
Thanks for it! Sure, let me see your master piece!
funny drawing