Observe but don’t participate
Some of us position or present ourselves in a way which is relevant to the situation but is it really the ideal way.
Because we have to be part of the social norms or to fit in , this is necessary but sometimes it doesn’t work because it’s not like we are the only ones who are doing it .
When we pretend to be someone else , something will be lost in the way , which will obviously cause some friction within us . These things matter because of our structural design . We gather things all day from various sources which are not even relevant and act according to it . When we behave or want to be or pretend according the data ,then self which is trying to express itself , is lost .
Expressing ourselves in different ways is a healthy sign but it comes with different consequences not because it’s wrong or right but because it’s the manifestation of the data . It’s like what I think I become . It’s true because my actions are related to that.
It’s like originality is not there when we behave or pretend to be someone else . We become something else entirely. It works but only when you have to survive but if that survival process is taken care of then something else should happen which has some meaning. If stomach is empty then we can’t think anything else but if that process is taken care of what is the next step in the journey of life itself.
We have long way to go and time is short , maybe some of us are already there who knows. If I am self aware then no one will know about it because I know everything from it’s creation to it’s end. At that position I have everything . I want everything and for that to happen physical means are not enough and I have to follow a different path which I don’t know but I know the tools , Yes I have access to the tools which are within me. My own structure is the tool to access that self which is still unknown.
If creation has to happen then it needs to start somewhere and that starting point is my breath because it drives everything within me like. Conscious breathing , different “Pranayama” methods can help in the process of knowing self. I am here on the planet to observe not to participate , even my own actions.
If I am an observer then I can understand the true nature of everything which exists on the planet but if I participate I will lose meaning of my existence.