How Having Self Confidence Changes Your Life
How having self confidence changes your life is a question I'm asked all the time. It's something that a lot of people don't really understand. It can be so much easier said than done I know. It can change your entire outlook on life and your relationships.
If you are unsure about yourself and your capabilities, it can have an effect on every aspect of your life. I know what you are probably thinking, "What about my career?" Well if you have low self esteem and lack confidence in yourself, then that can affect your career too. You might not think it but how having self confidence can change your life? It can greatly affect your life in so many different ways.
How having confidence can change your life, is by changing the way you look at things and who you see yourself as being. It's not enough to be confident it must be real. Your confidence needs to be genuine because otherwise you are only fooling yourself.
For example, if you don't like to do some things, then you should be honest about it and say to yourself, "I hate doing this. It turns me off and makes me not worth hiring. I don't like doing this. I would never be happy in my job."
How having self confidence can change your life is by changing the way you treat those things that turn you off. It's not enough to just tell yourself that it isn't good. You have to act on it. How can you do this? Well, for one thing, start watching yourself around others. Watch how they act and react to things and try to copy them.
See what other people do to gain self-confidence! Go into other people's lives, observe their behaviors, observe their reactions. If you can learn a few subtle gestures, that will help you feel better too. So, you see, this doesn't have to be hard, you just need to stop hiding behind your confidence.
How having self confidence changes your life can also be by changing the way that you look at the world. If you're overweight, maybe you should lose some weight. If you're ugly, maybe you could lose some weight. If you're shy, you could work on becoming more confident.
How can you get rid of some of the fears that you have? Fear is a horrible thing. It can control you and keep you from doing the things in life that you truly want to. If you fear the world because you have low self-esteem, then you'll never be able to accomplish the goals that you've set for yourself.
This is why you should be proud of yourself. You deserve to feel good about yourself. The people who truly have high self esteem are the ones who never worry about what others think of them. They are the ones who accept themselves the way they are, without trying to change that fact. So, how having self confidence changes your life is by having the courage to believe in yourself and build your confidence up so that you are truly confident!