The new and mysterious world of Quantum Change Kinesiology
This post is in your honor @whatamidoing ;) Thank you for asking me to share more specifically what I do in a Quantum Change Kinesiology session and inadvertently pushing me to be more specific in sharing and shedding light onto the new and "mysterious" world of QCK.
I have been sharing snippets and "sneek peeks" into sessions I have had with people, attempting to show what QCK is about, what the kind of topics are I work with and what type of assistance and support I give people. I didn't consider however that even what I have been sharing can still be read as somewhat "vague" simply because QCK is not something anyone would have a reference to just yet.
QCK was developed by my "partner in crime" Andrea Starsi and myself over the last four years and only now have we started to open ourselves and QCK up to the world so to speak. We have been working with many people throughout those four years, testing, experimenting, fine-tuning and "perfecting" our technique, as well as undoubtedly proving to ourselves the unique potential QCK has.
In itself, the principle behind QCK is fairly simplistic actually yet at the same time it is extremely intricate and specific. QCK is simplistic because it works with the pure "reality" of who you are in your mind and body. I as a QCK practitioner use the biofeedback technique of muscle testing to "test out" the pure unfiltered information about what is existent on different levels of your mind, which is then also the intricate part.

You as a client would come to the session with an "issue", let say for example that you experience anxiety, anger or another overwhelming emotion or feeling every time you're in a particular situation. That experience which you go through is like the crown of a very large tree that has roots deep down into yourself and your mind. What QCK does is show you the rest of the tree, which is the "information" your mind uses to keep the "crown" of the tree in place. This information takes on many different shapes, like genetically transferred beliefs, thoughts, memories, coping mechanisms, personalities, archetypes and many more.
Sometimes QCK works in the opposite direction, from the roots to the crown, when the issue you come to the session with is a physical one. Let's say for example your issue is a pain in your elbow that keeps reoccurring, or even something as serious as cancer. These types of physical pains and conditions are the physical consequences of your mind having rooted itself deep into the body. QCK traces the root-system as represented through the physical condition/pain to find the specific information in and of your mind that has been contributing to and creating the physical issue.
The aim of QCK is to first and foremost cultivate awareness of who you are in your mind and body, to have you become aware of how you create "who you are" within the experiences and issues you face through the information you live on the various levels of your mind.
We have found that this self-awareness is absolutely crucial to be able to change any issue - mental/emotional and even physical. It can even be so powerful that in one moment your experience and/or physical issue releases from your mind and body as you "realize" the reality of what has been going on within you all along. Obviously as with any habitual pattern, the issue will come up again although now at least you have the awareness and understanding you need to start changing it in real-time.
There is much more to share and go into in relation to QCK but for now this is my attempt to enlighten, educate and hopefully spark intrigue about this new and unique technique.
Please feel free to ask questions and I will be happy to answer them in comments and/or blog posts to come!
Kim Amourette
Quantum Change Kinesiologist
Awesome! I love the concept of muscle testing and want to explore it more. I'm an avid gardener and there's a book called Perelandra's Garden which offers muscle testing techniques to find out what to plant and how to take care of it. Tapping into the global consciousness is what I think might be happening. Love it! Looking forward to learning more from ya.
Muscle testing is definitely a fascinating tool to tap into a greater awareness of the reality we exist in foodisfree.
I love thinking about the greater reality in which we don't see or sense. So much is unknown and it's humbling that we're a part of something much grander. All the best!
Wow, thanks for the great introduction! I didn't expect two lengthy explanations, but really appreciate them!
The concept sounds very similar to what I'm exploring, although I do much of my exploration through music and writing. I write and perform to heal myself and anyone who can relate. Many of our "issues" are socialized although how we cope with them varies a whole lot. Hopefully with projects like yours or mine we will not have to go on coping, we will be able to untangle and be able to become selves of our own design.
I've also discovered how the situation of the physical body will mirror what is going on inside of us. One thing I'm curious about though, are you saying that you can identify a specific emotional issue by looking at what's wrong with the body?
That is the aim indeed whatamidoing, to stop existing within "coping" with our mind and rather become the authority of ourselves.
Thanks for engaging with comments whatamidoing, much appreciated!
Thank you for this. Therapeutic modalities such as this are the medicine of the future it seems.
It is what I see as the "destiny" of the human @cosmicorder, to become aware of our creative authority in our mind, body and world.
Nice work, i hope you grow fast on steemit ;)
Thanks appreciator :)
You are more than welcome
sounds great!
It is indeed asksisk ;)