Remember your Creator in the days of your youth.

Ecclesiastes 12: 1 King James Version (NIV)
Remember your Creator in the days of your youth, before the bad days come and the years you say will come: I am not happy in them.
"The days of your youth". Youth is a precious stage of life and is the stage of strength, energy, speed and fragility in the temptations of the things of the world. My current experience as a young man leads me to confirm what I write, because it is what I live and experience.
The youth passions that surround me are not easy, I am tempted to liberal youth parties, vices, fornications, alcohol and other factors that lead to the disorderly desires of the flesh. Fortunately, I grew up in a Christian home and, from an early age, my parents instilled in me the biblical principles and of so many sermons we hear from preachers and pastors, we managed to retain many of the teachings that have to do with young people. These teachings lead us to consider what our heavenly Father advises us and alerts us to youth passions, from which Paul advises us to flee.
"Remember your creator." Thank God for the privilege of growing up in a Christian home. Thank God for my parents who from a very young age began to serve God and that is what they have taught me, the fear of God.
Young people should always scrutinize the Scriptures and learn from the fear of God, to turn away from the evil ways and false friends of youth.
Growing up in the fear of God helps us lay the foundations of our youth on the rock that is Christ. This guarantees us that when the times of adulthood and maturity arrive, we will not have to repent and be ashamed.
We are exhorted as young people to put God first in our lives, and even when the time comes when there is no joy, we can grow with the hope that we will be with Christ for all eternity.