The Science of Navdurga and Navaratri
Hi everyone, this is the lengthiest article on Scientific Hinduism, with lots of information, and interesting comparisons between the scientific explanation of Navadurga and modern cosmology,
kindly keep patience and go through it, we can assure will not be disappointed.
Navratri is a Hindu festival indicating new beginning and offering your dedication and reverence to the Goddess Shakti (Shakti signifies power, force and energy) goddess Durga is one of the most spectacular of all personifications of cosmic energy, with the splendor of a thousand suns, seated on her lion vehicle.
In her benevolent form looks serene and powerful, with her numerous hands holding a disc, mace, a sword, lotus, bow as well as an arrow, a trident and a conch shell. The goddess incorporates the power of all the deities and looks a perfect picture of kindness. The word Navratri is a Sanskrit word which means “nine nights” also symbolizing the victory of positivity over negativity. Goddess Shakti in the nine forms is worshiped during the period for knowledge, wealth, prosperity and auspiciousness. The festival also marks the arrival of winter season, a period when Nature undergoes several changes.
According to Hindu Philosophy, Navadurga literally means the manifestation of Durga in nine different forms. Or the manifestation of the formless Universe into infinite forms through Nine Steps. Generally Every forms of the Universe goes through all Nine Stages from Birth to Maturity then to death within these stages.
The growth through the Nine stages cannot be stopped once the reaction is started by the action. In other word when the invisible it is all nine stages still within the zero stage of the Universe.
According to the Hindu tradition, The Unformed Shakti, (force and energy) manifests herself as
मेधे सरस्वति वरे भूति बाभ्रवि तामसि ।
नियते त्वं प्रसीदेशे नारायणि नमोऽस्तु ते ॥२१॥
- नारायणि स्तुति, Devi Mahatmyam
- Mahalaxmi – Mahalaxmi symbolized as The universal Regulations, Sequence, Order and diversity.
- Maha Saraswathi – Maha Saraswathi symbolized The potential of wisdom, knowledge , Intellect , beauty.
and - Mahakali – MahaKali is traditionally the first of the Ten Great paths to Self-Realization. Kali is Power of Action (Kriya
Shakti / kinetic energy). Kali is the electromagnetic energy, which extends over all space. Radiation is the means
available for one particle at one place and time to know about the existence of another particle at another place and another time. Radiation interacts with matter, and their interaction impacts on the material system.
It is interaction, made possible through radiation, which creates time. Interaction is a fundamental thing. It is like the shyness of a bride. When the groom looks at the bride, she blushes.
The look is the probe; the blush is the reaction.
The probe and the reaction together constitute the
interaction. For this reason, Kali is related to shame; She is shown in pictures as a naked woman, a shameless creature.
The idea of the symbol is that She eliminates interactions, which create duality (subject-object relationship is duality).
Lack of interactions is death. Nakedness has this meaning that
space is your clothing. Yes, space is the clothing in which energy is concealed. Energy transforms
matter's position and creates time. Therefore, Kala (division) of time symbolized by the all-pervasive,
eternal Shivalinga, is in fact a creation of Kali, the energy.
This is one reason why Shiva is shown as a corpse lying flat under her feet.🔥🧘♂️🔥
The difference between energy and matter is the following. Energy is dynamic, matter is static. Energy is unbound matter; matter is bottled up energy. Energy moves, probing the matter into motion. Matter is energy at rest, or rest energy. So Kali is shown as the active member on top of Shiva.
People say that time transforms things. Time does not do anything, interactions transform and create time in the
process. Time is not absolute, space is not absolute, through motion, they can be exchanged. Through interactions, even the direction of time can be reversed. The rate at which time flows can be reversed. The rate at which time flows can be changed by motion itself; or, energy controls the rate of flow of
time. The more energetic a particle, the slower time moves for it.
Density is a property that is related to the proximity in time of a certain material object to the present. If you move an object away in time from the present, it dematerializes. If you bring an object into present, it materializes. The secret behind materialization, is the ability to move in time -- into the past and into the future. This is granted by the power of Kali. this goddess spares no saint, she spares no sinner, to her, saint and sinner are the same. It is only the limited human intellect, which tends to see goddess the good and refuses to seethe evil. Kali is not concerned with such limitations, because She knows better. Kali knows that the universe is nothing more than a thought in the mind of the goddess. Just as one does not weep when one thought is replaced by another, so she is not bothered in the least by one thought being replaced by another in the Cosmic Mind.
The symbolism of Kali does not stop with destruction, she is also the Supreme Creatrix. killing the present by sending it into the past is the first aspect. The second aspect is that of making the
unmanifest future to become the manifest present. The second aspect is the creative aspect. She is ever creative.
Because the future is unmanifest, unknown, politically it has been called the dark one. That is why Kali is supposed to be dark in color, of the color of sky, blue unmanifest; future contained hope, to cure miseries. So blue is the healing color.
These three forms are evolved from the Trimurtis –
Lord Brahma (Lord Brahma is the supreme creator , He is with Maha Saraswathi because without Intellect there is no Creation, without wisdom there is no advancement )
Lord Vishnu, preserves, maintains and sustains the world. He is with Mahalaxmi because without regulation there is no progression, without law there is no flow of maintenance , without sequence there is no continuation.
Lord Shiva or (Mahaka), is the Lord of destruction ,
In Shiva, death and life are in union. Death is necessary because eternal change of form is the sole
immortality to which finite living substance can aspire, and eternal change of experience, is the sole infinity, towards which the finite mind can strive. Death is the sting of being devoured which even the belief in survival after death cannot wholly abrogate.
Death prowls as a hungry beast devouring the whole
creation, sparing none. So the tantric sees the whole world as a shmasana (cemetery). In this cemetery the Divine Kali and Nataraja dances.
He is with Mahakali because without dimension there is no illusion , because without Illusion there is no ignorance , without ignorance there is no death. Kali is also life and death, which are movements in time.
To worship her, we must ‘die’ daily, that is death of all our worries, ambitions, cares, anxieties, loves and hates. Before sleeping if we empty our minds of all this, we are ‘born’ again the next day, fresh and new. Kali is death of the separate self.
Kali also relates to the element of air, and the lightning force that is in the atmosphere. She is located in the heart chakra of the human body. Kali is the ‘kriya-shakti’ or power of action, which is an essential part of the time-force, and is the first of the Maha Vidyas.).
As per Hindu Philosophy these are the essential and primary attributes of the entire Universe.
Three forms of Mother Durga further manifested in three more forms each and thus emerged the Nine forms of Durga called Navadurga.
Scientific Manifestation Of Mother Durga:
Maa Durga is the Universal Mother.
She is known by a variety of names - including Devi, Shakti, Adi Parashakti, Chamunda , Kali and Parvati.
The Navadurgas are the nine different forms of Universal Mother. we worship Nine forms of Mother during Nine Nights of Navaratri.
The order, of worshiping nine mothers, is dissimilar in different texts , we are considering the order in accordance to "Devipurana".
The Big Bang theory is considered as the wide accepted cosmic theory. If we notice a process of the creation as per Big Bang, there are mainly Nine Stages in manifesting the Universe.
Before I start the comparison between big Bang and Navadurga , I would like to introduce the basic of this scientific theory - Big Bang:
In short, the Big Bang states that all of the current and past matter and energy in the Universe came into existence at the same time, roughly 13.8 billion years ago. Whereas according to Hindu cosmology and mathematics it is 155 trillion years , but the age of our Earth is 4.32 billion years confirmed in Vishnu Purana which is quite close to the current estimate of the age of the Earth - 4.5 billion years. At this time, all matter was compacted and condensed into a single point or very small ball, looked like Cosmic Egg, with infinite density and intense heat called a Singularity. During this period, it is believed that the quantum effects of gravity dominated physical interactions and that no other physical forces were of equal strength to gravitation.
Suddenly, the Singularity began expanding, and the Universe as we know it began. Due to the extreme heat and density of matter, the state of the universe was highly unstable. It thus began to expand and cool, leading to the manifestation of the fundamental forces of physics. According to this modern theory the point named "Singularity" came from "Nothingness". In fact the Nothingness manifested itself into the Singularity or the Cosmic Egg.
Exactly this is confirmed in Rig Veda , Brahmanda Purana , Shiva Purana , Vishnu Purana , Devi Purana.
I should clarify one thing , According to Hindu cosmology , No one can create the Universe , the universe was manifested from Nothingness , Nothingness came from the Universe too.... how...?? a tree comes from a small seed, and again all the life potential of the tree condensed in to a seed,, from where the tree can manifest itself.... like a tree, our Universe comes from a "Seed" or "Golden Egg" which is symbolized by the "Singularity". Our Universe has mainly two attributes:
- One is expanding from cosmic egg.
- Two is collapsing or shrinking to cosmic egg.
Expanding and collapsing. This is an endless process.
According to Hindu Cosmology , the Universe is "Manifested" not "Created".
he word “Shiva” means literally, “that which is not.”
Today, modern science is proving to us that everything comes from nothing and goes back to nothing.
The basis of existence and the fundamental quality of the cosmos is vast nothingness. The galaxies are just a small happening – a sprinkling.
The rest is all vast empty space, which is referred to as Shiva. That is the womb from which everything is born, and that is the oblivion into which everything is sucked back. Everything comes from Shiva and goes back to Shiva.
The Golden Cosmic egg , manifested it self from Nothingness (Mahasunya) , Nothingness itself the Universe , where Nothingness is without form, limit , attributes - it is NIRGUNA , but Universe has forms , attributes so it is SAGUNA, so , the conclusion is formless manifest itself in to infinite form , Nirguna became Saguna.
where the definition and explanation of Nothingness were provided in Shiva Shatkam composed by Adi Shankara , Vedic Followers worship the Nothingness in the form of Lord Shiva which means "Not That" (Shiva means. Nothingness or Not that)
The Supreme Lord is represented as Siva, and His power is represented as His wife—Sakti, Durga, or Kali.
Mother Durga is the energy aspect of the Lord. Without Durga, Siva has no expression; and, without Siva, Durga has no existence. Siva is the soul of Durga. Maa Durga is identical with Siva. Lord Siva is only the Silent Witness. He is motionless, absolutely changeless. He is not affected by the cosmic play. Durga does everything.
Siva is omnipotent, impersonal, inactive. He is pure consciousness. Sakti is dynamic. The power, or active aspect, of the immanent God is Sakti. Sakti is the embodiment of power.
Siva and Sakti are related as Prakasa and Vimarsa. Sakti or Vimarsa is the power that is latent in the pure consciousness. Vimarsa gives rise to the world of distinctions. In other words, Sakti is the very possibility of the Absolute’s appearing as many, and God’s causing this Universe. God creates this world through Srishti-Sakti, preserves through Sthiti-Sakti, and destroys through Samhara-Sakti.
There is no difference between God and His Sakti, just as there is no difference between fire and its burning power. Sakti is inherent in God. Just as you cannot separate heat from fire, so also you cannot separate Sakti from God, the possessor of Sakti. Sakti is Brahman Itself. Siva and Sakti are one. Siva is always with Sakti. They are inseparable. Worship of Durga or Parvati or Kali is worship of Lord Siva.
Mother is the creative aspect of the Absolute. She is symbolised as Cosmic Energy. Energy is the physical ultimate of all forms of matter, and the sustaining force of the spirit. Energy and spirit are inseparable. They are essentially one.
Matter is reducible to energy. The Prasnopanishad says that Rayi and Prana—matter and energy—constitute the whole of creation. Matter is the outward index of the inward power that its expressed by God. The power that originates and sustains the universe is not the Jada Sakti or the electrical energy which is the ultimate reality of the scientists, but Chaitanya Sakti, the power of the immutable consciousness of Brahman. In fact, it is not a power which is of Brahman, but a power which is Brahman.
The connection between Navdurga and Big Bang theory.
the Timeline of the Big Bang Theory can be divided in to nine different steps or stages , this is the evolutionary stages of our Universe. where each stage of our Universe is encrypted in each form of Mother Durga.
we will discuss in short , because already the post became lengthy.. ok let's see.....!!
Stage 1: Nothingness to Singularity- all matter was compacted and condensed into a single point :
(Manifested as Devi Siddidhatri - She thus appeared in the form of Siddhidatri from the left half of Shiva (Nothingness).
Eight Shiddhis are condensed in Mother, from which the Universe is formed.
All the potential forces are concentrated in Mother Siddhidhatri , She is both Nirguna (with form) and Saguna (without form) , means the condition of the Universe exhibits in both particle behaviour and wave behaviour.
Mother is seated on a lotus and are four armed hence known as Chatturbuji, The four arms indicate her all-powerful and all-pervasive nature.
Her physical existence is represented by the two arms in
the front, while the two arms at the back represent her presence in the spiritual world, holding a chakra in her right lower hand and a mace in the right upper hand, The mace represents mother's potential power to create and maintain the Universe.
She also holds a conch with the left lower hand , which symbolizes that Mother Parashakti is the primeval divine sound of creation and continuity with spiral shape as the galaxies are. It also represented as Om, the oldest frequency - the cause of the massive explosion inside the Singularity - it can be related with string theory.
and there is a lotus in her upper left hand which indicates the expressing and steady formative manners of Universe.
Stage 2: Cosmos go through super fast inflation , oval shaped baby Universe starts to expand which is tremendous hot soup of electrons, quarks, and other particles.
Manifested as Devi Kushmanda -
"Kushmanda" comprises of three words that are “Ku + Ushma + Amnda means Ku is little, Ushma is Warmth and Anda is egg.
The word means who creates the Universe as a “Little Cosmic Egg” with the energy of Her divine smile. Maa Kushmanda is worshiped on the fourth day that is Ashwin Shukla Chaturthi.
In the beginning of the Universe, Lord Rudra worshipped the unmanifest form of the Mother Goddess, Adi Parashakti, the state where entire Universe is in unmanifested state, for creation.
Stage 3: Quarks clump into protons and neutrons
Manifested as Devi Brahmacharini - After the Kushmanda form, the Mother Goddess took birth at the home of Daksha Prajapati, as his daughter, Sati, who was born to marry Shiva.
This unmarried form of the Mother Goddess is worshiped as Brahmacharini. Maa Brahmacharini scattered her crimson energies in the form of cosmic seeds of creations - photons and neutrons.
Stage 4: One second has passed and it is still too hot to form atoms, forming the perfect dimensions such as Space and Time.
Manifested as Devi Shailputri - After self-immolation in Her form as Sati, the Mother Goddess took birth as the daughter of Lord Himalaya. In Sanskrit, Shail means "the mountain", due to which this form is known as Shailputri, the daughter of the cosmic mountain.
Maa was married to Lord Mahakaal after performing a severe penance.
The Universe created the space and time in integrate manner being with 'Bhole Byam' or 'Mahakal' - which signifies Eternal Time and Space , Why 'Space' ??? Bhole Byam is another name of Lord Shiva , in Sanskrit “Byam” means Akash or Space)
Stage 5: Atoms are formed and light can shine.
Manifested Devi Mahagauri - According to Hindu philosophy, the Universal Mother at the age of sixteen was extremely beautiful and blessed with a fair complexion.
Her Glow and radiance is as luminous as that of the numerous Suns illuminate the darkness, she was known as Goddess Mahagauri. Mother Disclose her Energies in the form of numerous "Anu" - अणूसंयोगस्तवप्रतिषिद्ध:- that became the energy point in every living and non living material , which signifies the atoms.
Mother manifests into five basic elements or states of matter and energy - Pancha Maha Bhut , that are....
- Sky / Space
- Water / liquid state
- Air / gaseous state
- Fire / Energy state
- Earth / solid state )
Stage 6: The Universe is comparatively Cool and stable, Galaxies and stars begin to form from H, He and various gasses.
Manifested as Devi Chandraghanta - Goddess Mahagauri started adorning her forehead with a half moon(Chandra) shaped like a bell (Ghanta) , thousands of suns and The Lord Of Air or Gas - pavan dev - manifested from her extraordinary brightness, due to which, she became known as Goddess Chandraghanta. Mother showering peace and serenity, like cool breeze in a moonlit night though Maa is 10-armed in this form and rides a tiger which is a terrible aspect and is roaring in anger signifies the universe is not stable and cool absolutely)
Stage 7: The Invisible Stuff in the Universe, related to Dark Matter and Dark energy.
Manifested as Devi Kalaratri - which is the fiercest , ferocious and the most mysterious form of the Goddess, she is secret darkness ,blesses with one hand and in this appearance she is dark and repulsive. The three eyes on her forehead are as round as the Universe with very dense hair on her head. in which she manifests to destroy the demons, Sumbha and Nisumbha , and support the Universe secretly.
What is dark matter and dark energy....??
The visible universe—including Earth, the Sun, other stars, and galaxies—is made of protons, neutrons, and electrons bundled together into atoms. Perhaps one of the most surprising discoveries of the 20th century was that this ordinary, or baryonic, matter makes up less than 5 percent of the mass of the Universe.
The rest of the Universe appears to be made of a mysterious, invisible substance called dark matter (25 percent) and a force that repels gravity known as dark energy (70 percent).
In the early 1990s, one thing was fairly certain about the expansion of the universe. It might have enough energy density to stop its expansion and recolapse, but instead of recolapsing the expansion is actually speeding up, so something mysterious there which is pulling the Universe and makes it expanding.
Scientists have not yet observed dark matter directly. It doesn't interact with baryonic matter and it's completely invisible to light and other forms of electromagnetic radiation, making dark matter impossible to detect with current instruments. Scientists have a few ideas for what dark matter might be. One leading hypothesis is that dark matter consists of exotic particles that don't interact with normal matter or light but that still exert a gravitational pull. Several scientific groups, including one at CERN's Large Hadron Collider, are currently working to generate dark matter particles for study in the lab.
Unlike for dark matter, scientists have no plausible explanation for dark energy. According to one idea, dark energy is a fifth and previously unknown type of fundamental force called quintessence, which fills the Universe like a fluid.
According to Einstein the accelerated expansion of the Universe is driven by a kind of repulsive force, dark energy, generated by quantum fluctuations in otherwise "empty" space. idea, dark energy is a fifth and previously unknown type of fundamental force called quintessence, which fills the Universe like a fluid.
According to Einstein the accelerated expansion of the Universe is driven by a kind of repulsive force, dark energy, generated by quantum fluctuations in otherwise "empty" space.
Ancient Hindu Cosmologist signifies the dark energy as Kalratri , The anger and darkness of Mother Durga and Lord Shiva formed a mysterious and Dark force that kept the Universe in its desirable expansion ration by killing Shumbha and Nishumbha , the two attractive forces of gravity that could slow down the expansion of the Universe over time and could forced to start recolapsing)
Stage 8: First massive stars die and turn into heavy elements which will then turn into new stars and planets. Manifested as Devi Katyayani - She holds shining Chandrahasa (Sword) in Devi's hand and one hand is depicted as giving blessing. She rides a magnificent lion and destroys the demons, bestow welfare on me. She destroyed demon Mahishasura and rearranged the Universe with regulation , peace and freshness.
Stage 9: The expanding and Accelerating Universe.
Manifested as Devi Skandamata - In her form as mother of the God of War, Lord Skanda (also known as Kartikeya), she is known as Goddess Skandamata.
She regenerate the Siddhis from Devi Siddidhatri and takes the limitless form , expanding her gesture through war and action. Kalratri guides Mother Skandamata always , where we saw how dark energy making the today's Universe expanding.
There are eight Siddhis , they are- Anima, Mahima, Garima, Laghima, Prapti, Prakamya, Iishitva & Vashitva)
According to Damar Tantra and Nasadiya sukta , The nineth form of Mother Durga protect the Sun in his (Sun's or any Sstar's) entire life span. Damar Tantra claims Sun or star has nine Stages of Life. He (Sun) is governed In his each stage of life by each form of Nava Durga.
In more simple sentence , Mother Durga is the Mother of all the suns, stars and planets. In physics there are two type of star , one normal star and two massive star , our Sun is not a massive star.
If you notice the life line of a star there is mainly nine stages confirmed by astronomy :
• Stage 1- Stars are born in a region of a high density nebula, and condenses into a huge globule of gas and dust and contracts under its own gravity.
governed by Devi Siddidhatri , who recollects her all the scattered energies, Urja and fires and congregates in her third eye.
• Stage 2 - A region of condensing matter will begin to heat up and start to glow forming protostars. If a protostar contains enough matter the central temperature reaches 15 million degrees centigrade.
Governed by Devi Kushmanda, a tremendous hot egg of fire came from Mother's eye.
• Stage 3 - At this temperature, nuclear reactions in which hydrogen fuses to form helium can start.
Governed by Devi Brahmacharini the impatient and indignant egg of fire starts to rush with stupendous velocity in every direction.
• Stage 4 - The star begins to release energy, stopping it from contracting even more and causes it to shine. It is now a main sequence star.
Governed by Devi Shailputri , Lord Brahma was so anxious that he came to Mother Durga and request her to make the egg stable and restful, the egg then converts into a wonderful, brightest baby emitting his energies. The baby was named as Surya or Sun by Lord Vishnu. Lord Brahma, created Planet Guru Brihaspati from the scattered energies of the baby Sun..
.• Stage 5 - A star is a luminous globe of gas producing its own heat and light by nuclear reactions (nuclear fusion). They are born from nebulae and consist mostly of Hydrogen and Helium gases.
Governed by Devi Mahagauri, The baby was wise, aggressive, dynamic and high powered, his color is red. He is blessed by Lord Vishnu. He achieved all the Maha Vidya and learned how regenerate his energies from his heart.
• Stage 6 - The Helium core now starts to contract further and reactions begin to occur in a shell around the core.
Governed by Devi Chandraghanta, The Sun falls in love with a girl name Sanjana. Lord Viswakarma created the beautiful girl from the white energies of Sun's heart, Sun became more dynamic to marry the girl who is actually made from his own elements , and made for him only)
• Stage 7 - The core is hot enough for the Hydrogen, Helium to fuse to form carbon. The outer layers begin to expand, cool and shine less brightly. The expanding star is now called a red giant. Governed by Devi Skandamata , Sanjana and Chhaya. Chhaya is the reflection of Sanjana. Sun shone so hard that even Sanjana was blinded by his intensity. Furious at his wife staying away from him, Surya cursed Sanjana with a fickle-minded daughter,Yamuna and Yama, the god of death. Chhaya , the reflection of Sanjana was sent to Sun, and Chhaya worshiped Lord Shiva and Mother Chandraghanta , Devi Chhaya was blessed with a dangerous baby named Sani or Saturn. Planet Guru Brihaspati, gave his blessing and tatva (elements) to planet Sani/ Saturn. Scientifically Saturn has oval-shaped storms similar to Jupiter’s and like Jupiter, Saturn is a gas giant and is composed of similar gasses including Hydrogen, Helium and methane.
Chhaya means black shadow, I think here Chhaya signifies the Carbon formed from Hydrogen and Helium of the Sun. In fact , the Saturn is a gas giant and is composed of similar gasses including Hydrogen, Helium and methane , mostly from Hydrogen.
Eventually, deep inside, the Hydrogen becomes metallic. Devi Chhaya asked Lord Shiva for a defensive armors (Raksha Kavacham) that can protect Saturn because Dev Raj Indra wanted to destroy Sani/Saturn. Lord Shiva offered The Three Marks (Tilak) that Lord Shiva used to draw in his forehead to Devi Chhaya.
Devi Chhaya, gave the three marks / tilak or marks to Sani as a defensive armors/Rakhsya Kavacham. The marks protect Sani like Chakra/disc, And undoubtedly these three Marks or discs are nothing but the planetary ring system that orbit Sani or Saturn. Scientifically this are mostly made of carbonaceous dust, tilak is made of Carbon dust too)
• Stage 8 - The Helium core runs out, and the outer layers drift of away from the core as a gaseous shell, this gas that surrounds the core is called a Planetary Nebula.
for massive stars :
The core collapses in less than a second, causing an explosion called a supernova, in which a shock wave blows of the outer layers of the star. The actual supernova shines brighter than the entire galaxy for a short time.
(Governed by Devi Katyayani, for the comparison readers are requested to go through Devi Shuktam and Brahamhanda Puran)
• Stage 9 - The remaining core (that's 80% of the original star) is now in its final stages. The core becomes a white dwarf the star eventually cools and dims. When it stops shining, the now dead star is called a black dwarf.
For massive stars :
The remaining core (that's 80% of the original star) is now in its final stages. The core becomes a white dwarf the star eventually cools and dims.
When it stops shining, the now dead star is called a Black Hole.
(Governed by Devi Kalaratri , for the comparison readers are requested to go through Devi Shuktam and Brahamhanda Puran )
Another aspects: Harvard professor Dr. Howard Gardener proposed Mother Yoga, Maya or Maa Durga exists in all being in the for of nine intelligence.
Humans in fact have multiple types of intelligence.
Dr. Howard Gardener feels these intelligences are present in everyone, although each person tends to have a few dominant types.
Dr. Gardener identified the following intelligence types.
- Verbal-Linguistic Intelligence (Governed by Mother Shailputri Mata):
Linguistic intelligence is behind your ability to think in words and use language to express meaning. This is the most widely shared type of intelligence as it allows us to communicate with each other.
✍️ - Logical-Mathematical Intelligence (Governed by Brahmacharini Maa):
This type allows you to calculate, quantify and perceive relationships and connections between thoughts or objects. It is also behind reasoning and deductive skills. - Musical-Rhythmic Intelligence (Governed by Mata Chandraghanta):
Do you often pay close attention to sounds? Can you recognize the artist within the first few notes of a song? You likely have a dominant musical intelligence. This type gives you the ability to discern pitch, rhythm, timber and tone, as well as recognize the structure of songs.
✍️ - Visual-Spatial Intelligence (Governed by Mata Kushmanda):
Spatial intelligence refers to the ability to think or visualize in three dimensions. It also supports hand-eye coordination and your sense of direction. Sculptors, painters, graphic designers, and many other types of artists rely on this type of intelligence. It is also important for occupations like piloting boats or planes, architecture and engineering.
✍️ - Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence (Governed by Skandamata):
This could also be called the “I Gotta Dance!” intelligence. These are people who have a natural sense of rhythm and how their body moves in space. They also do well with physical tasks or manipulation of objects.
✍️ - Interpersonal Intelligence (Governed by Katyayani Mata):
A strong interpersonal intelligence shows up as excellent people skills. You communicate well, you’re sensitive to the moods and needs of others, and you can understand and relate to many different perspectives.
✍️ - Existential Intelligence (Governed by Kalaratri Mata):
Do you often find yourself having deep conversations with others about the meaning of life, or what happens after death? You likely have a strong existential intelligence. Not satisfied with the surface of life, those with this intelligence are drawn to the bigger questions of our existence.
✍️ - Intrapersonal Intelligence (Governed by Maha Gouri Mata):
Are you generally well aware of your own feelings? Do you have an interest in the human condition and what makes people tick? These traits suggest a dominant intrapersonal intelligence. It’s the capacity to understand yourself and your feelings, and to use this knowledge constructively as you move through life.
✍️ - . Naturalistic Intelligence (Governed by Siddhidatri Mata):
Those with a naturalistic intelligence have an affinity for plants, animals, soil and all aspects of the natural world. They are often found hiking in nature, spending time with their pets or reading about how to classify species. The ability to distinguish between all living things is part of this intelligence.
The Conclusion : - The Navaratri And Its Spiritual Significance:
During the Navaratri or the Nine Nights, the whole of India adores the Mother and worships Her with great devotion. Dusserah, Durga Puja, and Navaratri are one and the same. On the first three nights, Durga or the Destructive Aspect of the Mother is worshipped. On the succeeding three nights, it is the Creative Aspect or Lakshmi that is adored. And on the last three nights, the Knowledge Aspect or Saraswati is invoked. The tenth is the Vijaya Dasami Day or the Day of Victory.
There is a special significance in this arrangement. When the Devi is worshipped by a devotee in this order, as Durga, She first destroys the evil propensities that lurk in his mind. Then, as Lakshmi, She implants therein, the Daivi Sampat or the divine qualities conducive to spiritual unfoldment. Then, as Saraswati, She bestows true knowledge on him.
Those empty spaces were my silent prayers, asking Maa Durga to guide and protect YOU always in whatever YOU do and wherever YOU are! May This Navratri be as bright as ever. May this Navratri bring joy, health and wealth to you.
May the festival of lights brighten up you and your near and dear ones lives.
May Parasakti or Devi—the Universal Mother Jagadamba—bless you all with wisdom, peace, and immortal bliss.
Happy Navratra Durga puja.
Life line of a star.
Maa Durga as dark energy.
Powerful goddess.
Beautiful Mother
Dark energy in the Universe.
Powerful Maa Durga riding her lion
Worshipping Maa Durga.