Surah 56 (all verses) – reading and exposition – The Quran- Audiobook

in #sam-gerrans7 years ago

This recording contains Surah 56 of the Quran [AL-WAQI'AH or THE INEVITABLE] with exposition.

CHAPTER 56 (all verses: reading and exposition)

  1. First plain text reading (start-6.20)
  2. Exposition of content (6.20-37.30)
  3. Second plain text reading (37.30-end)

Translation: The Qur'an: A Complete Revelation.
Read and expounded upon by Sam Gerrans.


THE QUR'AN: A COMPLETE REVELATION by Sam Gerrans on sale in hardback!








In the name of God: the Almighty, the Merciful.
When the Inevitable befalls
(There is no denying that it will come to pass)
Abasing, exalting
When the earth is severely shaken
And the mountains crumble away
Then will they be scattered dust
And you will be three kinds:
The companions of the right hand!
(What of the companions of the right hand?)
And the companions of the left hand!
(What of the companions of the left hand?)
And the vanguard!
The vanguard
Those brought near
In the gardens of bliss
A multitude of the former peoples
And a few of the latter
On couches inlaid with precious stones
Reclining upon them, facing one another.
Youths made eternal move about among them
With bowls and pitchers and a cup from a running spring
Wherefrom they have no headache
Nor are they intoxicated
And fruit of their choosing
And such flesh of fowl as they desire
And pure, lustrous-eyed maidens
As it were pearls closely guarded
As reward for what they did.
They hear therein neither vain speech nor falsity
Only the saying:
And the companions of the right hand:
What of the companions on the right hand?
Among thornless lote trees
And acacia piled up in layers
And shade extended
And water poured forth
And plenteous fruit
Unfailing and unceasing
And carpets raised high.
We have brought them into being anew
And made them virgins
Pure of speech, well-matched
For the companions of the right hand.
A multitude of the former peoples
And a multitude of the latter.
And the companions of the left hand:
What of the companions of the left hand?
In scorching heat and scalding liquid
And a shadow of black smoke
Neither cool nor noble.
They were before that made opulent
And persisted in the Tremendous Perjury
And said: When we are dead and are become dust and bones will we be raised up
Or our forefathers?
Say thou: The former peoples and the latter
Will be gathered together at the appointed time on a day appointed.
Then you, O you erring repudiators:
You will eat of a tree of zaqqūm
And fill your bellies therewith
And drink of a scalding liquid on top of that
And drink as the thirst-wracked camel drinks.
This is their welcoming gift on the Day of Judgment.
We created you.
Oh that you but gave credence!
Have you considered that which you emit?
Did you create it or are we the creator?
We have decreed death between you.
And we will not be outrun
From changing your likenesses and creating you as what you know not.
And you have known the former creation.
Oh that you but took heed!
Have you considered that which you cultivate?
Is it you who cause it to grow or are we the cause of growth?
If we willed we could make it chaff.
Then would you cease not to regret:
We are debt-laden!
Nay: we are deprived!
Have you considered the water which you drink?
Is it you who sent it down from the rainclouds
Or are we the senders?
If we willed we could make it bitter.
Oh that you were but grateful!
Have you considered the fire which you light?
Was it you who brought into being the tree thereof or were we the creators?
We made it a reminder and a comfort for those lost and hungry in the wilderness.
So give thou glory with the name of thy lord, the Tremendous
For I swear by the orbits of the stars:
(And that is a tremendous oath if you but knew)
It is a noble recitation
In a decree closely guarded
(None touches it save those purified)
A successive revelation from the Lord of All Mankind!
Is it this narration you take lightly
And make rejection thereof your livelihood?
Oh that when it reaches the throat[...]!
But you will at that time look on.
And we were nearer to it than you
But you saw not.
Oh that – if you be without obligation –
You but sent it back if you be truthful!
Then if he be of those brought near:
Gladness and sweet-smelling herbs and a garden of bliss.
And if of the companions of the right hand:
Peace is thine among the companions of the right hand.
And if of the erring repudiators:
A welcoming gift of scalding liquid
And burning in Hell.
This is the truth of certainty
So give thou glory with the name of thy lord, the Tremendous.

▶️ DTube

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