How the Work Health & Safety and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2017 Will Benefit HSRs and Relative points
I have been working for a local government organisation for about 5 years and 2 of them years as a Health & Safety Representative. Any new amendment or introduction of new WHS legislation is worth sharing .
As a HSR I believe that the new WHS Amendment Bill 2017 is good news as it enhances and aids my role in the workplace as a HSR.
Important changes or amendments for HSRs are sourced from the "Work Health and Safety and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2017" which are the following:
Replacement of section 74 clause 6 - (List of health and safety representatives)
The PCBU (person conducting a business or undertaking) must ensure a list of each HSR and deputy HSR (if any) for each work group is prepared and is kept up to date.
As soon as practicable a copy of the list is provided to the regulator and the list is also to be displayed at a readily accessible area, so it can be viewed by the workers of each work area.
Amendment of Section 72 (1) and (2) clause 15- (Obligation to train health and safety representatives)
The PCBU as far a reasonably practicable must ensure that the HSR from each work group has completed training prescribed by the regulation.
Also allow time off work for the HSR to attend training and payign for the training fees and also any other reasonable costs associated with the training.
Amendment of Section 76 clause 16- (Constitution of committee)-
The membership of the committee (Health & Safety committee) must include the HSR and the work health and safety officer of the workplace. (if the HSR contents to being a member).
Amendment of Section 85 Clause 18 -(Health and safety representative may direct that unsafe work cease) and
Amendment Section 90 Clause 19-(Provisional improvement notices)
This for both of the amendments above- Have completed initial training prescribed by- regulation under section 72(1)-
see below.
Regulation amendment Clause 66- (Amendment of the Work Health and Safety Regulation 2011).
Replacement of Section 21 Clause 67 (Training for health and safety representatives)
The prescribed health and safety courses approved by the regulator has an initial 5 day course of training and 1 day’s refresher training at least every 3 years, with the entitlement to the first refresher training commencing 3 years after the initial training.
HSR for a workgroup for a business or undertaking must complete the initial 5 day course of training within 6 months after the day the representative is elected as a health and safety representative for the work group.
Section 21A- (Approving courses of training in work health and safety)
The regulator may, when approving a course for WHS training regard any relevant matters relating to the content and quality of the curriculum. this includes the relevance of the powers and functions of a health and safety representative.
The qualifications, knowledge and experience of the person who is to providing the course.
The regulator must notify the approved course of training on the regulator’s website.
I hope this proves useful to your organisation and Health & Safety Representatives across Qld,
Keep safe,
Information sourced from Work Health and Safety and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2017 the Reference-
If you need to clarify my article the link is below:
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