Disturbing Art Made Into Series..Just In Time For Halloween!!
Honestly don't know how I got it to make such freaky pictures, I made a series out of one that I had from a previous post. I use starry ai app on my android phone to curate them. All I said in the prompt was "consumerism as horror show like an adbusters magazine! Phew this is getting good! Just in time for Halloween!!
Here is the original
Yeah I thought that was pretty damn weird! When I put in the original prompt in with this one while evolving the image then it gives me these good results. With other prompts it seems to degrade the picture and theme. It's pretty weird. So I've decided to stick with this one once in awhile. Got some more pretty weird results
I honestly don't know how it got so twisted but I like it
I don't know what is going on any more yet the message is that yea rampant over consumption is bad, hey yea I could try adding the word overconsumption next time
I wonder why the red background? It makes it more freaky
They get brilliant and deformed
I am really enjoying the nightmare fuel of it all!! I just can't seem to get enough, I like getting that weird alien feeling going
Yea it gets super berserk after awhile! I wonder how crazy it can go!? I will try and see if I can push a further limit soon