RE: Romania - Be Proud of Who You Are
National pride is shunned, or frowned upon, in many countries in a bid to help people from other countries (and beliefs) assimilate and yet they do not. They don't know the histories, the journey that has brought a country to be what it is and yet the governments push their agenda and seemingly don't care that the citizens are slowly forgetting their identity. Shunning it.
Take Australia for instance. There was a case where a person in a unit group was denied permission to raise the Aussie flag in front of his property as it might offend the Muslims also living in the group I say fuck you, go back to wherever you came from if you don't like the flag flying. I fly one at my house every day.
The love you mention of people in Romania preferring western things...Everyone wants more in life and are never content with what they have. They get a feeling of satisfaction from shopping at particular places and having certain things...No one is content to just be anymore.
They are sheep.
Still, we can choose to follow along, or not. I'm pleased to see you have chosen not. :)
Well, they don't, they want us to forget who we are because who we are brings us together. Forgetting that we're all the same people makes us divided, which can only be in their favor. And the bad thing is we do not know those histories, who has time to think what happened two years ago when there's something so very pressing happening today? Besides, who wants to remember a bunch of fucking peasants, you know?
It's a subject that really annoys me, to think we're so willingly forgetting who we are. An unforgivable crime.
They sneak in with these seemingly little things and next thing you know, you've forgotten about the flag altogether, because it isn't shown anywhere. I like your attitude.
I know people always want to have, but this is an old mentality, at least here. Craving the luxury of the west was popular during communism. We've had 30 years to realize it's not quite so great and yet most people don't seem to realize - that's alarming. I like to shop too, sometimes, but if they took the mall away tomorrow, it wouldn't be the worst thing, not even close.
Yes, it's entirely our choice and it's infuriating to see so many choose to follow. I don't, or at least I try, although I have a feeling it's not quite so easy. Even those who think they're not following might be following someone's agenda. There's just so much at play, I think.
Ita a complicated matter to be honest. My strategy is to live my best life and not buy into the propaganda. Yes, it's difficult to remain apart but I try. Avoiding the "news" services is a good start. Encouraging independent thought as well...
The services themselves, definitely. Even the ones that aren't so mainstream serve an agenda. However, I think we should keep a close eye on the news, I mean not take whatever you're told as ready to go and the truth, but gather information, always be aware of what's going on in the world, that sort of thing.
Independent thought? What is that? :O
I haven't watched a news service for 10 years...And yet I'm informed. I simply filter out the shit, the unimportant (to me) things (like Brad Pitts divorce and custody battle) and focus on what will directly impact me and things that I can control.
I admit I spent a lot of time looking for that :))))
I agree, it's best to filter out the things that are unimportant to you.
Yes, it's one of the issues though as propaganda seems to dictate to people on what's important to them and so the Kardashian's asses become important, as does searching for digitalPokemon...
Not you though, the sheeple I mean.