Trump Didn’t Win

Hillary Lost get’s even better. It’s the fault of the Liberal Democrats.
Note: I wrote this post just after the election. I thought I'd repost for a little bit of perspective. One thing I find interesting is that YouTube took down all of the videos about the HildeBeast. I left them in to emphasized the point. Can anyone spell censorship?
Here’s what happened as I see it.
Hillary Clinton is NOT well liked, by anyone. It goes back a long ways. When she was a brand new lawyer, building a case against President Nixon, after Nixon resigned her boss later said
“She was a liar, she was an unethical dishonest lawyer. She conspired to violate the constitution, the rules of the house, the rules of the committee and the rules of confidentiality.”
It doesn’t matter if this is true or not...a great many people think it is.
Later she gained no friends among mothers when she wrote about the State taking over the responsibility of raising children. Many people believe that she said:
It doesn’t matter if this is true or not...a great many people think it is.
Later she gained more enemies when she said.
“I loathe the Military.”
The fact that she was married to a Draft Dodger didn’t help her standing among veterans.
As before.
It doesn’t matter if this is true or not...a great many people think it is.
And so it went. She continued to make a great many, many enemies.
A secret service agent that worked in the White House when she was co-president wrote a book :
Crisis of Character
Speaking of Co-Presidency one elected HER..but she assumed the mantle anyway.
Through out Bill Clinton’s Reign of Error she continued to make enemies. .
Odd how when Bill was Impeached it was ‘just about sex’ and that didn’t matter. Bill Clinton DID what Trump merely talked about and yet it MATTERED then. This wasn’t lost on a great number of people.
Don’t forget the Bimbo Eruptions
and then there’s this.
the list goes on, and on, and on and on. Anyone could find hours and hours of ‘bad things” about Hillary. She’s made a LOT of enemies.
Icing on the cake...
Once more..
It doesn’t matter if this is true or not... she could be mother teresa in reality. Reality doesn’t matter in politics. In politics perception IS reality. The perception is that a great many people don’t trust her, don’t like her, are afraid of her, and HATE her.
So what’s a woman to do? It’s HER turn to be president. How can she win?
AHA! Pick someone to run against that she can beat! (duh)
No really. That’s the only way. But who? As far as a great many people were concerned she was less popular than bubonic plauge. #never hilliary...a great many people would rather french kiss a rattlesnake than vote for the HildeBeast. (one of the less profane names that her opponents called her)
Almost anyone with a pulse could beat her....
Except a ringer. Someone who was willing to take a dive. An extraordinary con man.
Trump was an old friend of hers. He donated millions to her campaign. Why else would a woman born in Chicago. (we all know about Chicago Politics don’t we?)...who was the wife of the Governor of Arkansas...later wife of the for the state Senate of New York?
according to a the father of the sad puppies
- He was anti gun until age 68
- He funded open border anti gun politicians
- He helped liberals get elected in states he doesn't do business in as recently as 2014
- He's often been registered as a democrat
- He is in favor of war crimes
- He is in favor of federal control of western lands
- He cheered Kelo (which according to Scalia is one of the worst decisions in SCOTUS history)
- He denied a member of his staff physically assaulted a (friendly!) reporter, and rather than apologize and fire the guy, attacked the reporter.
- He doesn't understand how libel law works
- He is part of the establishment he is supposed to be angry at
- He though Romney was too harsh on immigration just a few years ago.
- He won't release a NYT interview that more than likely shows he is still actually "flexible" on immigration
- He is so anti establishment that Bob Dole and Trent Lott would rather have him than Ted Cruz, because he will deal..
- He isn't nearly as rich as he says he is, and won't release his taxes to prove it.
- He doesn't know that the WTO isn't a law enforcement agency.
- He has strong authoritarian tendencies, doesn't understand Constitutional limits, and all of his detailed proposals would require a massive expansion of government power.
- He was repeatedly in favor of single payer healthcare, until that polled badly, and he got somebody smart to write a statement about helathcare for him last month.
- He doesn't understand the 1st Amendment and thought the government should do something about violent video games.
- He thinks that soldiers will obey his illegal orders to target women and children because he's such a natural leader.
- He asks for loyalty pledges.
- He lied to his multiple wives, investors, and business partners, but you think he is being totally straight with you.
- He is so tough on illegal immigration that he had no problem employing illegal aliens to build stuff for him. When pressed on hiring illegals, blamed it all on sub contractors, because Mr. Quality apparently didn't notice the hundreds of dudes speaking Spanish at the job site.
Who in their right minds would vote for him? Wouldn’t anyone with a brain in their head vote for Hilliary instead. They needed him on the Ballot as the Presidential nominee for the Republicans. The MainStreamMedia set to work with a will.
They provided him with Billions of Dollars of free advertising.. He hit the campaign trail with a WILL. He steamrollered his opponents. He went over them like a Tsunami...who couldn’t, with that much free money?
Except for Cruz. In the last days of the campaign for the Republican nomination he was losing to Cruz. So he had his buddy smear him.
and again.
Cruz dropped out.
In spite of the efforts of #nevertrump, with the help of the RNC, the rules were spindled, folded and mutilated and Trump went on to victory.
Anyone with half a mind in the general election (different people than in the primaries) would NOT vote for him. He could relax...take it easy...not work to hard.
And lose.
He kept gaining in the polls. NO ONE wanted Hilliary. No one wanted Trump either so other options were considered.
“Vote your Conscious” was explored.
Ted Cruz endorsed Trump.
3rd Party was considered, perhaps the Libertarians?
Slowly, reluctantly, in spite of all misgiving. A great many people decided to hold their noses, and once again, vote for the lesser evil.
They Really, really thought that Hillary was evil.
To repeat one final time.
It doesn’t matter if this is true or not... she could be mother teresa in reality. Reality doesn’t matter in politics. In politics perception IS reality. The perception is that a great many people don’t trust her, don’t like her, are afraid of her, and HATE her.
So Hillary lost.
It bears repeating. Trump did not win....Hilliary lost.
What the Hell?
Trump is the President elect and Hillary and the Democrats are responsible.
Still rings true!