SEC S17W2: "Protecting children".

One of the things we need to understand is that children are the future of tomorrow. And so if we are seeing the future of tomorrow we must make sure that we secure our future so that when the future arrives the future is well balanced.

92,000 matter is there is a lot of discussion about the safety of children being talked about in society. But it is of great pity that they are still innocent children who are first to pass through sufferings and pains that they don't want to pass through or because of child slavery and child trafficking. Today I'll be showing my view about what to do or what I feel we can do in protecting our future which is the children generally.

In your own words, what does Child Slavery mean and what are its most common manifestations?


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I will like by starting this way that I see child sleeping are something equivalent to child trafficking. I see child slavery as a way whereby children are being sold exploited against their wish and desire just for some greedy reasons. Child's living is a way whereby children Are force to do what they don't want to do or because they have been sold by people that seems to have control over them much more.

I want the common manifestation of child slavery like I said child trafficking. In fact every child slavery start from child trafficking. What is child trafficking, the illegal movement of children for one place to the other for illegal practices and reasons. One of the manifestation also is the children are being forced into labor and suffering because they are being bought with money or with anything that can serve as a exchange of value for them.

How does forced labor impact the lives of children?

One of the things I would like to first of all establish is the father every children that is being sold or engaging child trafficking or child slavery rather he's been done against their will and their desire. This forced labor have a negative impact on the life of children by affecting the psychological reasoning. In fact a some situations some children are not able to recover from the stigmatization of the first labor due to the extreme suffering and pain they have been forced to pass to.

One of the ways also that it have negative impound life of today is it keys their dreams and ambitions there by affecting their future or what they want to become. At the end of the day those children become what they don't want to become or because they were exposed to things they don't want to be exposed to at the early stage of their life.

What strategies do you consider effective to eradicate forced child labor?


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One of the major strategies we say can be put into order for effective eradication of forces child labor is the government to make sure that they put up Strict rules and regulations, strict policy against child trafficking. The truth is every force labor start from child trafficking or child slavery. So if the government can tackle or compact people were in charge of child trafficking it to go a long way in reducing the rate at which innocent children are being engaged in forced labor.

Another chance that can be done by the government is to make sure that they put into other things that need to be put into other things so that they will properly be able to guide them to and have thorough structures for the well-being of children in the society.

Do you think it is fundamental for children to have the freedom to fully develop and fulfill their dreams? Explain your answer.

Yes I strongly believe in that because every children or every child have his or her own dreams and desire. Every child wants to become this, every child to become that. So they should be given that freedom to fully develop and fulfill their dreams as that can help them to have a fulfilled future and thereby help the society at large.

I am inviting @carmari @noha26 and @lunasilver to participate in this contest.

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The exploitation of children at a very tender age is inappropriate. These children will be deprived the joy of childhood. They will have no option than to be complied to do what their master wants.

It is really getting out of hand and we really need to do something about it. Thank you so much for stopping by

 11 months ago 

Saludos cordiales royalevidence, un cordial saludo de mi parte, me complace leer y comentar tu participación.

Los niños del mundo necesitan mas atención, hay muchos males que estan aquejando a la humanidad y el abuso infantil no debería de existir.

Te deseo un feliz, bonito y bendecido día.

You have perfectly said it all.
Thank you so much for stopping by

Buenas tardes amigo, los niños se deberian cuidar, y guiar, dejar que difruten su niñez. No estoy de acuerdo que se deben poner a trabajar, ni tenerlos cómo exclavos.

La trata de niño es algo muy feo, y deberían de hacer que eso se termine.

Gracias por la invitación amigo. Mucha suerte en este desafío.

That is very true. Thank you for dropping your valuable comments

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