SEC - S9W4: "My Passion for the Arts"

The work of art around the world has really spread positivity and brings hope to the people around. Our world is now a better place because we have been able to dwell in the world of art. One major mistake many people made when we mentioned art, they only conclude it is about drawing. No art goes beyond that. Art is not only limited to drawing. In fact that's just one part of the art not all. We have music, we have singing, dancing in fact I see everything we do that brings beauty and meaning to the world of humanity as something called art.

What is the art that you are passionate about and why?


Just like I said, in most of the mindset of people towards art, they always see it as only limited to the drawing aspect. It goes beyond that. One of the art I am so passionate about is music. There are countless reasons which I am passionate about music but I guess I will just list some. One thing I have discovered about music is it has a way of healing the soul and helping us to interact with our inner world.

On several occasions, I have been down and depressed but exposing myself to music really opens the pathway to healing and I have seen music as a powerful tool in changing the world, in bringing positivity and helping to connect the lost relationship.



One reason why I am passionate about music was listening to music never let me to be boring. Growing up, I am the type that always keep to myself on several occasions. But music has always been my best companion. I have found a companion which any other thing can not offer. I tend to get the positivity flowing from music.

From what age did you discover that you had the ability to develop this art, have you taken classes or studies to improve it?

Well I will say it started at a very young age, though I do sing but most of the time I prefer to use saxophone to communicate my message across most of the time and that has really helped me. I will say at the age of 12, I started playing recorder, I will have shared the picture but currently now it is not with me. Playing recorder at that very tender age exposed me to the beautiful side of music that you don't only limit yourself to singing to communicate the powerful message in music but you can also learn it from playing musical instruments.



At the age of 20, for my zeal and passion for music, I decided to get a saxophone. Yea silver one. Though it was a student saxophone but till now I still cherished it like any other thing. I have been taking classes for my saxophone thought currently now the classes has stopped due to my school activities been too much on my neck but I am planning resuming soon enough.

What is your greatest inspiration when practicing this activity? Which famous character in this field do you identify with?

One of my greatest inspiration when involved playing my saxophone I must say is changing the perspective of people who only think singing is the only pathway to music. There are different pathway to enjoying music beyond singing and which is making use of musical instruments. I decided to choose saxophone because of the power it has to transform people within. Saxophone always been one of my best I must confess.









One of the famous character in this field which I really admire and my mentor is beejay sax. One of the most popular and famous saxophone ever in Nigeria

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Do you practice this art professionally or are you just an amateur? Have you participated in any competition?

I will say currently now, I just practice it at the amateur level though I am inspiring to hit the professional level someday hopefully. And currently now I haven't participated in any competition but one day and someday I will definitely participate in the competition

Share a sample of your skills in this art (either creating a drawing, singing, writing a poem, dancing, etc.).

Though I don't have the picture of where I was playing the saxophone but I will share with you the pictures where I am with my saxophone which is this below

I will like to wrap up this discussion here. Thanks for staying with me. I hope you got value. Let me do well to invite my friends @mandate @great-a and @belemo

This is my introduction post below



No one can easily achieve in music, you are really blessed with talent, it is good that you remember your mentor here and it is a great way to give him gratitude, all the best

Yea it is really necessary. Thank you for stopping by


seni dapat membantu pengamat seni untuk memahami makna, pesan, dan konteks dari sebuah karya seni

Thank you for stopping by

Saludos amigo.
La música 🎵 es un verdadero arte no todos poseemos ese talento, mediante ella se puede expresar nuestros más profundos sentimientos.

Very well said. Thank you for stopping by

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Curated by Blessed-girl


Enhorabuena, su "post" ha sido "up-voted" por @dsc-r2cornell, que es la "cuenta curating" de la Comunidad de la Discordia de @R2cornell.

Thank you for the support

greetings friend, @royalevidence
Great to hear your passion for music. I don't listen to much music due to my busy schedule. But I like listening to music from different countries.

Thank you very much for sharing this beautiful publication with us and I wish you success in the competition.

Music is life and only if we can realise it

Hello friend, you have told us about your talent for music which is really nice. You are an amateur singer though. But you hope to become a professional singer someday. I also hope your love for music will help you achieve your goals one day.

Defined you are saying the truth. Thank you for stopping by

La música es un arte maravilloso que nos hace trasladarnos a momentos gratos. Felicidades

 2 years ago (edited)

I heard that It is very hard to lay a saxophone. You have a rare passion. I really appreciate your effort. Best wishes to you.

La música para mí es relajante, libera el estrés y es excelente para la vida saludos buena entrada

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