Real Talk – Vol 11. – You Get Exactly ZERO % of What You Don’t Ask For, Guaranteed!
It amazes me sometimes what people are willing to ask for. Especially when it’s not a charity case or someone in need. When it’s just someone asking for help to do something they want to do as opposed to something they need for survival.
To be honest – I used to get very angry when I saw stuff like this. How could that person have the audacity to ask for what seemed to be a hand me out?
You Cannot Receive What You Don’t Ask For
See, here’s the thing. I grew up very independent. Really didn’t have a choice. Started working off the books at 14 years old, was buying my own school schools at 16 and bought my first car at 18 all on my own.
This is how the world worked, atleast so I thought. I never asked for anything. You either earned it or you did not get it. Simple, straightforward.
However, there were times in my life when I needed help. There were times in my life when I felt I deserved more compensation for my efforts.
In the end – I did not receive it 99% of the time and the main reason is because…..
This is something I realized a few years back.
Sometimes you just need to ask for it!
- Doesn’t matter how hard you work
- Doesn’t matter how dire your situation is
If you don’t ask for something then how will you ever get?
If you don’t ask for something how will you achieve your goals?
If you don’t ask for something how will you achieve your dreams?
Not asking is something that can actually hold you back.
There is a distinct difference between being humble and being undervalued.
Don’t be afraid to ask for the things you believe your worth!
Ask and You Shall Receive - must be an ancient proverb for a reason
Mitchell J
You're such a pessimist. You get 100% of what you don't ask for. It's nothing either way but that glass is half full!
Haha, that's awesome! Yes indeed you get 100% of what you don't ask for, which is...oh
No one ever accused me of being an optimist ;-)
You miss 100% of the shots you don't take!
I See
I Read A News Article
A Few Years Ago
And Some Kid Asked A Millionaire
In Real Estate To Help
Him Learn "The Ropes"
The Millionaire Of Course
Obliged And Showed Him
"The Ropes" For Free!
This Kid Pays His Way Through
Collage And Helps Other Kids
Along The Way.
He is Like A Bold Lion!
Exactly! And he's paying it forward which makes it awesome.