What are the advantages Telegram

in #rappler7 years ago (edited)

. What are the advantages Telegram


In the days of technological advancement as it is now, especially for the millennials, the use of Internet based messaging application messengers would have been a common thing. Applications chat or to send a message to others, one of which is often used by many people, is a Telegram application.

Telegram itself is one of the applications that provide messaging service that can be used in various operating system gadgets like Android, iOS windows phone, Ubuntu for mobile phone, as well as Windows, Mac, and Linux for desktop version. In addition, Telegram can also be used to share photos, videos, audio, and various other file types.

Telegram is now used almost everywhere in the world. As reported by TechCrunch, in 2016 Telegram has 100 million active users every month and 350,000 new users every day. With this many users, Telegram claims to deliver 15 billion messages every day.

Unfortunately, Telegram's application service is not far from the problem, had received criticism from observers about the security of messages on Telegram is considered less good, now Telegram again faced with the threat of blocking Telegram services in various countries for the emergence of indications that services provided are often used by radical groups and terrorism in planning or sending messages regarding their actions.

Reporting from Vox, Turkeys prosecutor who wanted to indict a shooting suspect on New Year's Eve in Istanbul found that the perpetrator obtained orders from ISIS leaders at Raqqa via Telegram messages.

Russia, home to Pavel Durov as Telegrams chief executive, threatened to block service as there were indications that the terrorist group behind the attack in Petesburgh last April was planning his attack via Telegram.

The same thing happened in Indonesia. On Friday 14/7, the Indonesian government, represented by Menkominfo Rudi Rudiantara, issued a statement that it will block the web-based Telegram service in Indonesia. The reason is similar, Rudi claims to find 17,000 pages on Telegram which is closely related to acts of terrorism.

This policy certainly invites pros and cons. Many parties support the governments move, but not a few also disagree. One of the former members of the radical Jemaah Islamiyah movement, Ali Fauzy doubts the success of this policy. He said this move would not effectively cope with the growing understanding of radicalism and terrorism.

In addition to Ali, many Indonesian citizens also deplore this policy. There has even been a petition in social media that has been signed by nearly 10,000 people, who demanded the cancellation of the web-based Telegram bundling by the government.

In addition to being judged ineffective, the warganet also assesses many Telegram advantages that are beneficial to their daily lives that are not found in other similar services.

What exactly is Telegram's advantage and not found in other applications Consider the following exposure.

. It has Cloud-Based Message feature

this feature to make a message Telegram accessible to all the gadget connected in one account. users can also share message type any good photos, video, audio, or other types with size limit book by 1.5 gigabyte. users can send the message to pegguna other individual or group with a capacity of members of up to 5,000. this feature is also allow you as a user to edit message you that has been sent to other users with the time limit 48 hours after delivery time. in addition message in a Telegram can be stored as a draft before sent, and the draft can be changed and sent on gadgets other during connected in the same account.

safer message in a Telegram using encryption types of end-to-end. although this feature is also an existing applications WhatsApp, security on the Telegram still assessed safer using scheme mtproto. Russian government itself had time to prohibit the founding of the server Telegram in their country with reason their servers difficult to enter the difficult process control. in addition, the Telegram also features a 'secret chat', a message will automatically remove yourself, pampering users very concerned about the security of the contents of the message. not burden memory share files a good in the form of photos, videos, or audio will not be weighed memory of your gadgets. contrast to the application WhatsApp where each file share will be stored in memory gadgets, each file sent through the application Telegram will be stored forever server theirs, unless you delete it. it also makes Telegram superior than linemessenger only able to save the file server in a certain period of time. feature channel this feature to make the user can communication or send messages one way to all members channel tesebut. this feature has the advantage of the terms of limitations that will minimize the use of channel for the purposes of which should not be compared with the use of group ordinary because each activity communication on channel in full set by one user the administrator. capacity channel in Telegram also have a large number. this feature is often a choice for the service provider of online shop selling and publish, the goods. more flexible Telegram is ope-source which means the users in general can make additional features that can be included in this application. this makes the Telegram more flexible than similar applications such as WhatsApp or linemessenger where every renewal features on the application can only be done by developer.

safer message in a Telegram using encryption types of end-to-end. although this feature is also an existing applications WhatsApp, security on the Telegram still assessed safer using scheme mtproto. Russian government itself had time to prohibit the founding of the server Telegram in their country with reason their servers difficult to enter the difficult process control. in addition, the Telegram also features a 'secret chat', a message will automatically remove yourself, pampering users very concerned about the security of the contents of the message. not burden memory share files a good in the form of photos, videos, or audio will not be weighed memory of your gadgets. contrast to the application WhatsApp where each file share will be stored in memory gadgets, each file sent through the application Telegram will be stored forever server theirs, unless you delete it. it also makes Telegram superior than linemessenger only able to save the file server in a certain period of time. feature channel this feature to make the user can communication or send messages one way to all members 'channel' tesebut. this feature has the advantage of the terms of limitations that will minimize the use of channel for the purposes of which should not be compared with the use of group ordinary because each activity communication on channel in full set by one user the administrator. capacity channel in Telegram also have a large number. this feature is often a choice for the service provider of online shop selling and publish, the goods. more flexible Telegram is ope source which means the users in general can make additional features that can be included in this application. this makes the Telegram more flexible than similar applications such as WhatsApp or linemessenger where every renewal features on the application can only be done by

. developer

safer message in a Telegram using encryption types of end-to-end. although this feature is also an existing applications WhatsApp, security on the Telegram still assessed safer using scheme mtproto. Russian government itself had time to prohibit the founding of the server Telegram in their country with reason their servers difficult to enter the difficult process control. in addition, the Telegram also features a 'secret chat', a message will automatically remove yourself, pampering users very concerned about the security of the contents of the message. not burden memory share files a good in the form of photos, videos, or audio will not be weighed memory of your gadgets. contrast to the application WhatsApp where each file share will be stored in memory gadgets, each file sent through the application Telegram will be stored forever server theirs, unless you delete it. it also makes Telegram superior than linemessenger only able to save the file server in a certain period of time. feature channel this feature to make the user can communication or send messages one way to all members channel tesebut. this feature has the advantage of the terms of limitations that will minimize the use of channel for the purposes of roomates should not be compared with the use of 'group' ordinary because each activity communication on channel in full set by one user the administrator. capacity channel in Telegram also have a large number. this feature is often a choice for the service provider of online shop selling and publish, the goods. more flexible Telegram is ope-source roomates means the users in general can make additional features that can be included in this application. this makes the Telegram more flexible than similar applications such as WhatsApp or linemessenger where every renewal features on the application can only be done by developer.


. Apa saja kelebihan Telegram

Telegram memiliki sejumlah keunggulan dibandingkan aplikasi pengirim pesan lain
Di zaman kemajuan teknologi seperti sekarang, terutama bagi kaum millenninggunaaan aplikasi pengirim pesan berbasis jaringan internet tentu sudah jadi hal yang lumrah. Aplikasi chatting atau untuk mengirim pesan kepada orang lain, salah satunya yang sering digunakan oleh banyak orang, adalah aplikasi Telegram.

Telegram sendiri adalah salah satu aplikasi yang menyediakan layanan mengirim pesan yang dapat digunakan di berbagai sistem operasi gadget seperti Android, iOS, windows phone, Ubuntu (untuk telfon genggam), serta Windows, Mac, dan Linux (untuk versi desktop). Selain itu, Telegram juga dapat digunakan untuk berbagi foto, video, audio, dan berbagai tipe file lainnya.

Telegram saat ini sudah digunakan hampir di seluruh belahan dunia. Seperti yang dilansir dari TechCrunch, di tahun 2016 Telegram memiliki 100 juta pengguna yang aktif setiap bulannya dan 350.000 pengguna baru setiap harinya. Dengan pengguna yang sebanyak ini, Telegram mengaku dapat menghantarkan 15 miliar pesan setiap harinya.

Sayangnya, layanan aplikasi Telegram tidak jauh dari masalah, sempat mendapatkan kritik dari pengamat mengenai keamanan pesan pada Telegram yang dinilai kurang baik, kini Telegram kembali berhadapan dengan ancaman pemblokiran layanan Telegram di berbagai negara atas munculnya indikasi bahwa layanan yang disediakan seringkali digunakan oleh kelompok radikal dan terorisme dalam merencakanan ataupun mengirim pesan terkait aksi mereka.

Dilansir dari Vox, Jaksa penuntut Turki yang hendak mendakwa tersangka penembakan pada malam tahun baru di Istanbul menemukan bahwa pelaku mendapatkan perintah dari pimpinan ISIS di Raqqa melalui pesan Telegram.

Russia, yang merupakan negara asal dari Pavel Durov selaku CEO Telegram, sempat mengancam akan memblokir layanan karena terdapat indikasi bahwa kelompok teroris di belakang serangan di Petesburgh April lalu merencanakan serangannya lewat Telegram.

Hal serupa pun terjadi di Indonesia. Pada Jumat (14/7), pemerintah Indonesia yang diwakili oleh Menkominfo Rudi Rudiantara, mengeluarkan pernyataan bahwa pihaknya akan memblokir layanan Telegram yang berbasis web di Indonesia. Alasannya serupa, Rudi mengklaim menemukan 17.000 halaman pada Telegram yang berkaitan erat dengan tindakan terorisme.

Kebijakan ini tentunya mengundang pro dan kontra. Banyak pihak mendukung langkah pemerintah, namun tak sedikit juga yang tidak setuju. Salah satu mantan anggota gerakan radikalis Jemaah Islamiyah, Ali Fauzy meragukan keberhasilan kebijakan ini. Menurutnya langkah ini tidak akan efektif mengatasi pertumbuhan paham radikalisme dan terorisme.

. Efektif kah aplikasi Telegram diblokir untuk memberantas terorisme

Selain Ali, banyak juga warganet Indonesia yang menyayangkan kebijakan ini. Bahkan sudah muncul petisi di media sosial yang sudah ditandatangani hampir 10.000 orang, yang menuntut pembatalan pembokiran Telegram berbasis web oleh pemerintah.

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Selain karena dinilai tidak efektif, warganet juga menilai banyak kelebihan Telegram yang bermanfaat bagi keseharian mereka yang tidak ditemukan di layanan serupa lainnya.

Apa sebetulnya kelebihan yang dimiliki Telegram dan tidak ditemukan pada aplikasi lainnya Simak pemaparan berikut.

. Memiliki fitur Cloud-Based Message

Fitur ini membuat pesan Telegram dapat diakses oleh semua gadget yang terhubung dalam satu akun. Pengguna juga dapat berbagi pesan tipe apapun baik foto, video, audio, atau tipe lainnya dengan batas ukuran pesan hingga 1.5 Gigabyte. Pengguna dapat mengirim pesan tersebut ke pegguna lainnya secara individual atau ke Group dengan kapasitas anggota hingga 5.000 orang.

Fitur ini juga mengizinkan kamu sebagai pengguna untuk meng-edit pesan kamu yang telah terkirim ke pengguna lain dengan batas waktu 48 jam setelah waktu pengiriman.

Selain itu pesan pada Telegram dapat disimpan sebagai draft sebelum dikirim, dan draft tersebut dapat diubah maupun dikirim pada gadget lain selama terhubung dalam akun yang sama.

. Lebih aman

Pesan pada Telegram menggunakan enkripsi jenis end-to-end. Walaupun fitur ini juga sudah ada pada aplikasi WhatsApp, keamanan pada Telegram masih dinilai lebih aman yang menggunakan skema MTProto. Pemerintah Rusia sendiri sempat melarang berdirinya server Telegram di negara mereka dengan alasan server mereka sulit untuk dimasuki yang menyulitkan proses pengawasan.

Selain itu, Telegram juga memiliki fitur ‘Secret Chat sebuah pesan yang secara otomatis akan menghapus sendiri, yang memanjakan pengguna yang sangat mempermasalahkan soal keamanan isi dari pesan.

. Tidak membebani memori

Membagikan file baik dalam bentuk foto, video, ataupun audio tidak akan membebani memori dari gadget anda. Berbeda dengan aplikasi WhatsApp yang mana setiap file yang dibagikan akan tersimpan dalam memori gadget, setiap file yang dikirim lewat aplikasi Telegram akan tersimpan selamanya pada server milik mereka, kecuali jika anda menghapusnya. Hal ini juga yang membuat Telegram lebih unggul dibandingkan LineMessenger yang hanya bisa menyimpan file di server dalam jangka waktu tertentu.

. Fitur Channel

Fitur ini membuat pengguna dapat melakukan komunikasi atau mengirim pesan satu arah kepada seluruh anggota ‘channel’ tesebut. Fitur ini memiliki keunggulan dari segi batasan yang akan meminimalisir penggunaan channel untuk keperluan yang tidak seharusnya bila dibandingkan dengan penggunaan ‘Group’ biasa karena setiap aktifitas komunikasi pada channel secara penuh diatur oleh satu orang pengguna yang menjadi administrator.

Kapasitas channel di Telegram pun memiliki jumlah yang besar. Fitur ini seringkali menjadi pilihan bagi para penyedia jasa online shop untuk menjual dan mempublikasikan, barangnya.

. Lebih fleksibel

Telegram bersifat ope-source yang berarti para pengguna secara umum dapat membuat fitur-fitur tambahan yang dapat disertakan pada aplikasi ini. Hal ini membuat Telegram lebih fleksibel dibanding aplikasi sejenis seperti WhatsApp ataupun LineMessenger dimana setiap pembaharuan fitur pada aplikasi tersebut hanya bisa dilakukan oleh developer.

only this can I share, semogga friends in steemit liked thank you...

. followme @tjunadi


well written, dont knw why telegram is not getting the deserved attention

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