Welcome to the curation report # 64-65 for the Discord Community of @r2cornell. Generally, our reports are weekly, but due to electricity and internet problems, report # 51 could not be delivered on time, so this time we will give the information corresponding to report 54 and 65 (from 12-13-2020 to 12-26-2020). For this period, our Discord membership is 1233. Our hive community on Steemit (hive-152200) memberships stands at 719. We curate 723 steemit publications from Sunday 09-13-2020 to Saturday 09-26-20.
Bienvenidos al informe de curaduría # 64-65 para la Comunidad Discord de @r2cornell. Generalmente nuestros reportes son semanales, pero debido a problemas de electricidad e internet, el informe # 64 no se pudo entregar a tiempo, por eso en esta oportunidad daremos la información correspondiente al informe 64 y 65 (desde el 13-12-2020 hasta el 26-12-2020). Para este período, nuestra membresía de Discord es 1233. Nuestra membresía de la comunidad de la colmena en steemit (colmena-152200) es de 719. Curamos 723 publicaciones steemit desde el domingo 13-12-2020 hasta el sábado 26-12-20.
The diary game :26December 20(day to night)
By @sumon01
TheDiaryGame: Miercoles /23- 12-12- 2020| Día 89 de la III Temporada
By @wyleska
Nature photography # Morning dew drops !! [IND]
By @opick
My steemit Vision 2021-|| What is your vision 2021?
@Steem-Ghana Meetup Report, The Outcome & Future Plans
By @steem-ghana
Calendario 2021. Ilustración tradicional. 4/12 Abril - 2021 Calendar. Traditional illustration. 4/12 April
The diary game 23/12/2020
By @estifany
Hungry great crested grebe eating some fish
Chinese delicacy Chili Chicken
Elaboración de Pan de Jamón.
By @pelon53
This brings us to the end of our 64-65th Curation Report. There so many quality publications curated this week that it was difficult to choose those for the report. Then it was even more difficult choosing those to highlight. I can only say "great work to everyone".
Esto nos lleva al final de nuestro Informe de la 64-65ª Curación. Hay tantas publicaciones de calidad curadas esta semana que fue difícil elegir las del informe. Luego fue aún más difícil elegir las que se van a destacar. Sólo puedo decir "gran trabajo para todos".
Y para usted también @scilwa ¡Gran Trabajo!

Más aun en este reporte porque es doble.
Really great work 🙂
Thanks for your CURATION REPORT # 64-65. Good job . We should all the best.
The ghana meet up took most of the shine for great that friends on the blockchain can reconnect in flesh despite covid threats
Felicitaciones a todos los seleccionados, una selección maravillosa.
Un abrazo.
Your selection is really awesome
Wow excellent photo collection and very beautiful .

Thanks sir
Have a nice day.
Wow so beautiful selection, deserving posts as always. Thanks for sharing 💓❤️💖💗 love from #bangladesh @scilwa
First of all would like to say @scilwa (58) you are doing a marvelous job! I must appreciate the work you and your team is doing👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼. Since I join this platform I never saw anyone so particular and perfect about everything. My privilege that I got an opportunity to be here. Stay blessed and healthy. Please include me if I can do something for your platform @R2cornell ❤️😊
It takes a lot of imagination to be a good photographer. That photography is made by mixing emotion with imagination!😊