in R2cornell7 months ago


Author: @abiga554


Welcome to our curatorship report for the Discord Community of @r2cornell. This time we will give the information corresponding to report 129. For this period, our Discord membership is 3190. Our hive community on Steemit (hive-152200) memberships stands at 1640. We curate 338 steemit publications from Sunday 11-12-2023 to Saturday 12-23-2023.

Bienvenidos a nuestro informe de curaduría para la Comunidad Discord de @r2cornell. En esta oportunidad daremos la información correspondiente al informe 129. Para este período, nuestra membresía de Discord es 3190. Nuestra membresía de la comunidad de la colmena en steemit (colmena-152200) es de 1640. Curamos 338 publicaciones steemit desde el domingo 12-11-2023 hasta el sábado 23-12-2023.


The Diary Game : 13/07/2024 - Activities Before the Weekend

By @humaidi

The Diary Game (14 Juli 2024) Minggu yang cerah

By @dikimon2

The Diary Game 08-07-2024: Hoy me tocó ser Fotógrafa

By @naka05

"Steemit Engagement Challenge Season19 Week2 - "SEC-S19 / W2 | " Life without electricity"

By @max-pro

Menghadiri grand opening dan menjenguk ponakan di RS

By @alee75

The Diary Game, Minggu 14 Juli 2024, Hampir Seharian Penuh Diwarung Kopi

By @nawarnizam

Let's do it...Do It Yourself 👉 Dream catcher -Craft

By @jyoti-thelight


The Diary Game 13-07-24 - Día de compras con mi hermana, y cuidando a mi sobrino

By @miviki

The Diary Game || 12th July 2024 || Spending time with niece all day and enjoying Surabhi Park in the afternoon.

By @memamun

New Diary Game : 14 Juli 2024 | Aktivitas hari minggu yang padat

By @suryati1


This brings us to the end of our 129 th Curation Report. There are so many quality posts curated this week that choosing the ones for the report was difficult. I can only say "I congratulate you for your efforts in bringing quality publications, and success for all"

*Esto nos lleva al final de nuestro Informe de la 129ª Curación. Hay tantas publicaciones de calidad curadas esta semana que fue difícil elegir las del informe. Sólo puedo decir "Los felicito por sus esfuerzo en traer publicaciones de calidad, éxitos para todos"

Clickable Image


These are great finds. Well done and Congratulations to you all

Thanks you very much 🙏🙏

Have a great day guru purnima ki shubhkamnaye.
Beautiful thought support blog and sharing.

Congratulations to all the selected author's and all the top selected post are really good. Thanks for sharing this wonderful post with us.

Thank you so much for everything you are doing

This is great. Thank you so much for always supporting great and quality contents

Wow, amazing.Wishing u the bet of luck.

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