Positive or negative teamwork?

As a teacher, motivate my students to work as a team and, in reality, it is essential in education, since it favors social interaction among students. It is important that, as teachers, we help promote respect and cooperation among students.

But from my own experience, I never get used to sending work in groups outside the classroom to students; Only in the classroom, the other activities were individually, in this way I know who worked and who did not.
With respect to my person, in particular, I like to work in groups every time I am in the classroom. There were very few positive experiences I had of teamwork outside of class; because we always ended up doing the work only two or three of the group and we had to do the work of the other partners, it could also happen that there was no time to finish and we went back to the house to finish everything because we talked about many things and we did not finish.
Although we are older people, there are many who do not have responsibilities regarding studies and leave their tasks to their colleagues; doing the work of those who never could, never arrived on time, or liked to talk while others investigated. And taking advantage of the fact that others fulfill their responsibilities.
I have an experience that I will never forget. While we were in the University, we had to do a job to finish a very important subject, the group was composed of 5 students; but there was a companion who never came to the meeting place, because she lived in another sector far away. We, to help you, provide you with the material to study for the evaluation.

The day we had to discuss the work, we were all prepared with the material, also my partner; We thought that we were not going to have a problem, until the teacher asked how he had arrived at the site and how many buses he had taken to get there. You can imagine the face of everyone; who would think that with that question could fail the subject.