Nodes types
Greetings to you all!
I want to start from example of a human that cell in human body is building block of all body so nodes have similar meaning in blockchain. Nodes are basically essential building blocks which are used for enabling decentralized, trustless and safest exchange of information. Basically these are the computers which are connected to a network and use for the verification of transactions and for maintenance of copy of blockchain ledger. Now I want to highlight some of the types of nodes.
Full Nodes |
Full nodes is indicating by its name that it is one of the most comprehensive type of nodes which are used for storage of history of blockchain. These are used for verification of transactions and rules of network that either they are followed or not so over all these are you and essential for maintaining of securities, decentralisation in any network.
Light nodes |
This is a light type of nodes you can say because these are used for storing blockchain header and verifications of transactions without any need of downloading full blockchain that's why is also known as simplifying payment verification nodes.These are types of nodes which have reliance on full nodes for transactions verification that in turn minimize needs of bandwidth.
Validator nodes |
These types of nodes show their participation in consensus algorithms for verification of transactions and for creation of new blocks.They need sufficient powerful computation as well as these are also used in those network that operates on proof of stake, delegated proof of stake mechanisms.That was regarding validator nodes.
Mining nodes |
Now we have mining nodes which words by solving critical mathematical problems for validation of transactions and for creation of new blog so in this way these are used to secure proof of work. They also name significant amount of computational power and energy.
Relay nodes |
You can remember about these nodes through word relay because relay is similar to relationship and these also provide after education of communication in between different type of nodes. In this way these are used to enable propagation mechanism of transaction and blocks across network.
Relay nodes, or relay servers, facilitate communication between nodes, enabling the propagation of transactions and blocks across the network.
Seed nodes |
Seed nodes act as starting point of connection for that nodes that are join the network recently. These are used to provide essential and major information about network so that similar integration maybe secured and ensured.
Masternodes |
As name of these nodes are indicating that these are master so important for performing some of the particular task like facilitation of transactions that are recent as well as he providing governance and to support decentralized applications.
Supernodes |
These are just super in their performance which aggregate and process amounts of data in bulk form as well as these are also used in internet of things and big data applications.
Edge nodes |
Edge nodes work at parameter of network so these are used for management of transmission of data in between devices and blockchain that's why it is called edge nodes.
Archive nodes |
These are used for storing historical data of blockchain in which it is used to enable analysis of data, auditing and compliance of data as well.
That was a brief about types of nodes that definitely have some special and diverse use cases which are used for providing security, safety, scalability and decentralization to blockchain network.
Note:- ✅
Most of the time, mining nodes is sometimes compromised