Constructing the Invisible [@v4vapid Psy-Op Conspiracy Contest short story]

in #psyop-contest7 years ago (edited)

December, 2008

“You can’t just...invent a currency out of thin air and expect people to believe in it,” the Federal Reserve Chairman said, waving his hand. “People aren’t that dumb. Criminals might be, or rogue states, but not the masses. If they can’t hold it in their hands or eat it or screw it, it has no value.”

(story preview only)

This is a submission for @v4vapid's Psy-Op Conspiracy Contest

All names changed slightly to protect the possibly not-so-innocent.

Image Credit for title image. Edited by @negativer

Thank you to the great folks at the Writers Block on Discord. A great community of writers there, helping each other get better at what they enjoy doing.


Nice fantasy mister :-). The fact governments are kind of relax towards the whole thing will keep me awake for a few nights now, omg, wish i didn't read this :-)

Thanks for reading!

Fantastic work, and closer to truth than feels comfortable.

Time to sell all our crypto and invest in something tangible and real. Like toilet paper! There's always value in toilet paper.

:) You have put my thoughts about cyrpto's into a very interesting story. I could add more, but what would be the point. As Stan Lee always said in Marvel comics books, Nuff said!
Except up voted re-steemed and now following.

By the way, would mind if I re-post on my site ( ). My site is free for all with no ad so I can't pay you (non-profit). Of cause Author by lines will be in your name or steemit user name. It goes so well with the above image!

That's the end game, for us non-power brokers. Buy real commodities with what ever currency you gain, whether it be FRN's or BTC's or SBD's. All true wealth essentially comes from Land. The big game is to get the land away from the average person by fraud and put it in the hands of the elite few. If they control the land they control the associated resources, and thus the people. We all need a roof over our heads and food on our table and water to drink and energy to burn.

This was a really great bit of writing. However, if that plan was real then I don't think everyone would lose interest in cryptocurrencies after a big crash; they would then be aware of their potential. Bitcoin has already suffered huge drops and has never been short of people believing in it.

You're probably right. Still, there are many attempts by the banks and by government to take control and freedom away from the little people. Not everything works, or works the way they expect, but they certainly do try.

Sounds too plausible for comfort.

It'd be awkward if I turned out to be right. Cool, but awkward.

Congratulations! This story has been curated by The SFT. :-) A small SBD reward has been transferred to your wallet.

It has been added to the Cryptopunk Reading Room at the SFT Library.

Awesome. thank you!

Dude! You really do understand how the real life game is played. The only aspect of your story that is a little off, being fictional of course, is that the Federal Reserve notes and the Yuan of China are all made up out of thin air as well. The difference with cryptocurrencies is that they are made by average people and not governing authorities. With any currency early adopters and first users get to reap the benefits of having large amounts of that currency at their disposal before inflation kicks in. It makes those dollars that they hold even more valuable in the long run. As for the long-term plan, there will be a global cryptocurrency that the United Nations will see to and watch over. All these cryptocurrencies is as you said a Grassroots effort that is really being run behind the scenes by the the world central banks. On the economies of the world collapse and their respective monies collapse this new crypto-currency will be instituted because it'll be unforgeable and Incorruptible as far as counterfeit goes. No one will be able to buy or sell without the governing authorities knowing about it. Great story upvoted and resteemed.

Thanks for reading and the insightful comments. I don't know how much of my story is actually possible, but in my mind it's entirely too plausible, especially when you see bitcoin suddenly rocketing to almost $20,000 in nearly no time at all.

With respect, bluerthangreen I'm only re-posting this image because I'm late in seeing this story and otherwise you may not ever see it at all.JPMorgan-bitcoin.png
Consider the possibility! 13 years ago?

There's just enough truth in this that it's kind of scary. Did you have insider information on this? O_o

shifty eyes

Seems he has insider information :-)

Uugh... are you actually a banker named Jianxing cause the price of btc was hovering around $18,000 and is now in decline... lol

Awesome piece, like others have commented this is so very close to reality as the banks are no doubt making their plays as we speak. Another excellent entry from the 'Block'!

Thank you so much for reading! I have a few dollars in bitcoin and I watched it go up to 18k or so then drop hard. Although I wouldn't mind being able to see the future, in this case I don't want to be right :)

Lol. Funny and witty af.

Thanks! Glad you enjoyed it!

This makes me very glad never to have invested real money in crypto. It's just too scarily possible.

Considering the bitcoin madness right now...maybe I'm not so far off :)

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