Looking forward to seeing more Communities join Steemit and forming their very own "Micro Ecosystem".
#Promo-Steem - Promoting #Steemit #Communities and #SMTs on Social Media
Promoting #Steemit #Communities and #SMTs on Social Media
Following on from the recent rollout of the #Communities feature on #Steemit I thought I would share with you the latest tweets I have recently shared.
The tweets read...
Looking forward to seeing more #Communities join #Steemit and forming their very own "Micro Ecosystem" and soon their very own Token when #SMTs are launched.!!
#Communities + #SMTs = 🚀🚀🚀🚀
Feel free to like and retweet the above tweets if you are on twitter.
Thanks again for reading.
Communities functionality is going to be game changer on STEEM Blockchain and having more Community will bring more opportunities. #steem on
Posted using Partiko Android
Nailed it.!!
Combine #Communities with #SMTs and the results will be simply mind blowing.
Great post