Peneliti cukup Kuasai Medsos
Dear steemian's

When a researcher wants to find an accurate research data, to simply use the current platform that is available in a variety of online media, due to publish via social media as a public komsumsi, so the accuracy of the data does not need to doubt.

Ketika menjadi konsumsi publik, tidak ada lagi yang perlu difikir keras untuk menjadi seorang peneliti yang penting menguasai medsos, karena keakuratannya 75 % persis
When it becomes public consumption, there is no longer a need to difikir hard to be a researcher that is important to master medsos, because its accuracy 75% exactly

So a researcher living document early course both documents have been dipublis nor did the proposal to the owner of the platform

The next few years is estimated to be no more social media that its privacy is assured in accordance with the development of cutting-edge technology