Chapter 8 of 11: Learning about "How Making Connections & Relationships with Smart and Creative People helps make our way on steemit and make steemit a better place" - This is part 8 of 11 Chapters (Full Guide) to help new people make their way

in #promo-steem7 years ago

Hi people on Steemit, new visitors to the platform, new users on steemit, minnows, dolphins, whales and the entire community,

Before starting I wanted to give huge thanks to all readers, for all your comments, questions and suggestions, as well as ideas, and all contributions you have been doing.

As of today (within 4 weeks of its launch) the 11 chapters full steemit guide was able to reach 3,800+ people/hands, and over 400 comments combined on the first 7 chapters.

Hopefuly it continues to reach more people that can benefit from it, to understand as much and fast as possible about Steemit and thus help them make their way on the platform, and contribute for the growth of the entire community.


This 8th post/Chapter is to help new visitors and new people on the steemit platform to learn about "How Making Connections with Smart and Creative People helps make our way on steemit and make steemit a better place".
It is a part of a larger series of 11 Posts/Chapters plus some Bonus chapters that will be released later on. The Steemit platform and steem blockchain is eveolving every second, and its a never ending learning process, and very exciting for all of us to have the possibility to be on this piece of history!.

Before starting this new Chapter #8, in case you would prefer to read the introductory (1st Chapter), and the 2nd Chapter, as well as the 3rd Chapter/post, the 4th Chapter, Chapter #5, Chapter #6, and Chapter #7, here are the links and brief description of what you will read/learn on them:

Chapter 1 of 11: Have you recently Sign up on Steemit and Don't know what to do First - Basic Things for New People make their way easier on the Platform - Part 1: What you need to know to be more confident & get rewarded on the platform?

Chapter 2 of 11: Focusing on the Details of the Steem Wallet to learn as much as possible How to use it - Transfer Steem SBD - Convert it to ETH LTC Bitcoin or other Crypto - This is part 2 of the 11 Chapters (Full Guide) to help new people make their way.

Chapter 3 of 11: Understanding Where the Funds from Upvotes come from, Focusing on Steem Power & Reward Pool - This is part 3 of the 11 Chapters (Full Guide) to help new people make their way

Chapter 4 of 11: Understanding How to Keep our Steemit and Steem Cryptocurrency Account Safe - How to Use the 5 Different Passwords - This is part 4 of the 11 Chapters (Full Guide) to help new people make their way

Chapter 5 of 11: Learning some of the many "Other ways to Earn Rewards on the Steemit Platform & Steem Blockchain" - This is part 5 of the 11 Chapters (Full Guide) to help new people make their way on Steemit

Chapter 6 of 11: Learning about "The Vision of its Creators, & the Power of the Steem Blockchain (Current Huge Developments and the ones in Process)" - This is part 6 of the 11 Chapters (Full Guide) to help new people make their way on Steemit

Chapter 7 of 11: Learning "When and How to use Voting bots to upvote Quality Posts that you would like to be reached by more people - & how Cheetah bots help avoid Plagiarism" - This is part 7 of 11 Chapters (Full Guide) to help new people make their way

Special Thanks for Important People that are supporting to make the 11 Chapter full Steemit Guide be reached to the most people hands

Before starting I wanted to add 1 last thing. I want to give a big shout of appreciation for all of my followers, and several steemians, as well as @blocktrades , @lukestokes , @steempower , @starkerz , @cryptographic , @teamsteem , @stephenkendal , @extrospect , @enki , @alexis555 , @ebargains , that are supporting with all their best to make this posts/chapters be reached to the most possible hands.

In case you are a whale, dolphin, plankton and you enjoy reading the series of posts/chapters, or with your personal knowledge and experience see this guide as useful for new visitors, new steemit users, minnows, and other steemians, your support to help this new chapter reach as many hands as possible , is greatly appreciated.

[Important Note: At the end of this Post you will find the Chapters Index, were you can find detailed information of any of the topics you would like to learn]

My main aim here with this full Steemit guide of 11 Chapters is to give new visitors, new users on steemit, minnows, (and for the ones that have been here for a week or 2 and are struggling to earn some rewards), all the needed information to help them understand the steemit platform and steem blockchain as much as possible and as easier as possible, and thus help them make their way on Steemit. This means at the end, more people achieving success on steem, more stories for the world that steem is achieving freedom and empowering people, as well as returning the power to the hands of people. This are the aims of its creator @dan Larimer, which is mentioned by @teamsteem in his welcome to steemit post.

So, for those of you who have been here for less than 20 or 30 days, on behalf of the steemit community, let me extend in a LOUD VOICE, a big WELCOME to you.


Making Strong Connections & Relationships - Steemit - Steem Blockchain.jpg

My aim is to help people understand: the most important concepts, the actions they will do on the platform, the things that they will interact with, learn about the entire ecosystem were steem is being developed, as well as give them some personal advice on how to contribute with the steemit community by adding value, and thus earn rewards.

Since there are lots of things to learn on Steemit and the steem blockchain (and you will see its a never ending learning process), at the end of this Chapter #8 (and at the end of every chapter), I will enumerate the learning topics I will be discussing in the entIre series of 11 posts/Chapters.

All this topics I will be talking about are things I have learned from the very first day I signed up. There are many things to learn in order to make our way on the platform, and for sure I will miss some things.
This is because when we start doing things on repetition, we forget about them, and we just do them automaticaly, so feel free to ask any questions on the comments section. Also if you are a Plankton, Dolphin or Whale reading the post, your contribution, suggestions here will really help new People (Minnows) to make their way, and thus make steemit grow and make it a better platform every day.

Steemit Guide Chapters - Steem Blockchain - Chapter 8 Building Special Relationships.jpg

So, lets get started with Chapter/Post #8, and learn about "How Making Connections with other Smart & Creative People helps make our way on steemit and make steemit a better place".

Chapter/Post #8: How Making Connections with other Smart & Creative People helps make our way on steemit and make steemit a better place

1- How to make a success path way on Steemit?
2- Getting to know other smart and creative people on the platform (Diversity of thoughts and knowledge is what helps us grow)
3- Collaborate with your knowledge and experience, to help the platform grow
4- Get to know the needs of the Community and see were your knowledge fits in order to help it be a better place

Special Credits on this Chapter for: @lukestokes , @cryptoctopus , @timcliff , @terrybrock , @bigsilver , @utopian-io , @elear (The brilliant visionary that created @utopian-io ) , @theaustrianguy, @aggroed

As always, your comments, suggestions and questions are very welcomed, and I enjoy upvoting quality comments and suggestions that will help improve the understanding of the post (I will make update when needed).


Lets start with the 1st part.

1- How to make a success path way on Steemit?

As we see on different industries, and challenges on life, on Steemit, there are lots of paths to succeed, and help the platform be a better place everyday. Its a matter of thinking inside ourselves, with our knowledge and experience, what is the best thing I can do on steemit in order to add value to the platform, to other people, so that someone or some people can benefit from this. If we find several answers for this, we'll need to choose the one that we lie most, or that fits more for the current needs of the platform. Once we have this answer, then, this is one of the powerful energy we count on.

Are you looking to?

1- Get more followers,
2- Help people from different regions of the world to mae their way on steemit,
3- Promote steemit on different regions or an specific region of the world,
4- Earn extra funds for a certain personal objective,
5- Earn a living (there are currently many countries that with a little steem every day, people will earn more than the average a person lives on those countries, so this is definitely a goal),
6- Invest in the platform so as to get an roi in the future?
7- Or simply invest and hopefuly steem will be our own ATM machine in the future.
8- Make connections with other smart people of your own likes

There are so many things we can do here on steemit, and its open to every area of expertize, so this are just a few things people are doing, and you can think about yours or do one of these.

@cryptoctopus writes about 2 steps on how to define our goals and core competence, to finally get into action. You can read this in more details in his post:

For those who don't know yet, @cryptoctopus is one of the steemit early adopters that is always making posts and actions to help new people, and steemit users, with the quality information he provides in his posts. He always also mentions that he likes to reward quality ideas and valuable comments, that help him get more ideas for future posts that will befinit all. I definitely recommend you to follow him. You will always learn new things from him.

Here is were I want to mention a very significative, important and very know person on Steemit. He is @timcliff and has been doing lots of efforts (since almost the very beginning of steemit) with all his communicational and technical knowledge, so as to make steemit a better place.
In specific, in one of his posts @timcliff explains, and we remarked this (and other steemians I credited for their quality contribution posts too) in chapter #3 and the first chapters, is that on the time we begin looking at the platform and the steem blockchain technology as an investment (not only see it asa way to earn rewards), all our way of looking at the platform will change radicaly, and sooner or later we will start adding value in way or another to make steemit and/or the steem blockchain more valuable, and thus this transformations provide a benefit for all, and all the knowledge and power of all people on the platform mixed together is what its producing the butterfly growth effect.

Thank you again @timcliff for all your contributions to the steemit community.

On behalf of all steemians, I want to also thank you for writting the steemit road map of 2018, and for trasmitting all the valuable ideas as a big community voice to the developers and steemit inc. All your efforts are very much appreciated.
I definitely recommend you to follow @timcliff . You will definitely learn a lot from him. The next 2 posts (you will find links below) he made are of great value and a must read from him.
One of them is a post from @terrybrock a very known steemian and early investor on the platform that interviewed @timcliff and here he reveals many things he has done when he started initially like one of us, being unknown. So, he changed himself from unknown to one of the most respected users in the steemit community. And @terrybrock made up this great interview for all of us to learn from Tim Cliff's experience and process.

Thank you Terry Brock for this great contribution!

2 Posts from @timcliff that are a must read (One of them by @terrybrock)

1 - Steemit Roadmap 2018 - @timcliff's Top Picks and Recommendations (From Tim Cliff's blog):
2 - Steemit Success Series. Who to target with your content(From Terry Brock's blog).

Now the other thing to think about is make a plan, short, medium and long term goals, in order to achieve what you are looking for. Just as what business people do for their companies, or students do to get their degree.

@bigsilver speaks about many of this things in his blog, I definitely recommend you to follow him as to get good ideas and knowledge of how to set your goals and other motivational, business and entrepreneurship guidance.
Here is one of the posts he made so you get a good idea of what he writes about:

And item 8 above is what we'll referring with more detail now.

2- Getting to know other smart and creative people on the platform

Let me start with this part 2 of the Chapter with a very smart phrase by the very known @lukestokes that is an expert in translating complicated things about crypto and the blockchain, to make it easy to understand for everyone.
He believes that making smart relationships on Steemit is what will help us succeed in the long run, as well as learn as much as possible of the steem blockchain and any topic that is interesting for us.

I definitely recommend you to check his great post on this here (In the section of "Steemit Blues" is were he writes about relationships, and I also believe that is a main key):

@cryptoctopus wrote a very interesting post about 1 month ago, that clearly explains this item. It is about people who started with nothing in the platform and made it big. Here he provides 3 case studies of 3 people that are making their success path here with their brilliant ideas and actions already in progress.

Let me just describe the 3 of them very fast, so that you can enjoy them in more detail in @cryptoctopus quality post. I am only extending on @utopian-io because it is one I know a lot more, and I am more involved with by being a sponsor (just a small sponsor for now with my current steem power), and by providing idea/suggestions to help improve the steemit front-end.

@lemouth: he is a scientist and first decided to find people like him on steemit, and finally created @SteemStem that is a "Community Project to Promote Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics Postings on Steemit". To read more details of this case study I definitely recommned you to read @cryptoctopus post.

@elear: creator of @utopian-io , an innovative development that disrupts the way open source projects are funded.
This is the smart visionary person behind the Utopian project . He has made a huge community of people who share his same vision, and has put together an entire new market/economy (even before the SMTs are launched). He is helping open source project developers to be rewarded as no time before, and also helping project owners meet with opensource developers easier than ever before, and in addition of utopian funding opensource project contributions by itself, it is giving project owners the possibility to fund projects with their sole Steempower, in case they have enough to fund an specific project. Also utopian has a place for investors, that can delegate their own steem power and get rewarded in liquid steem for this.

I wrote in much more detail about @utopian-io on chapters/posts #5 and #6 [Chapter 5: / and Chapter 6:]
This all possible with the steem blockchain.

@dontstopmenow: as mentioned by cryptoctopus he was the best curator on the entire platform, and know still within the best. [On chapter/post #1 I explained the 3 normal ways to earn on Steemit, and curation is one of them. It is the one we are rewarded for upvoting posts of other people, that later, according to the time we vote and how trendy the post gets, is the amount of rewards we get. Here is Chapter 1 in case you would like to check it out:]

To see in more detail what each of them are doing I definitely recommend you to read @cryptoctopus post.

Thanks @cryptoctopus for writing this quality posts for everyone to learn on the Steemit community!

So, now that you learned a bit of what other people are doing in the platform, I am sure you are thinking what you can do yourself to make steemit a better place, and/or to add value to the platform.

3- Collaborate with your knowledge and experience, to help the platform grow

This 3rd topic is for you to think about yourself, what can you do to add value to the platform, and to people in the platform. And with all what you have learned about steemit and steem, and several people you already know (from what I described many steemians I credit here have referred to) that are making their success path here, start to think not only what you can do, but how you can do it, by setting a plan, a strategy, goals, and finally start executing it with actions.

Steemit people welcome new people who are giving their experience and knowledge to contribute for the community.

For instance @theaustrianguy has made by himself a way to start curating manually introduction posts from people who will start to add value to steemit. He introduced @welcoming to the world of Steemit!

In the first eight days, he has manually being able to curate and resteem close to 200 introduction posts, done under the #introduceyourself tag. In order to do that, he has reviewed many more. Due to the help of the steemit community, most of those posts have gone over 5$. Many went way higher. The @theaustrianguy is very happy on how the steemit people have responded to his idea and actions.

Simple say its a great idea and contribution! Thanks @theaustrianguy for devoting some of your time to help new people on steemit succeed.

4- Get to know the needs of the Community and see were your knowledge fits in order to help it be a better place

To learn this, we can research in different tags to see what people are talking about, asking help for. Looking at the comments section of posts will help us learn what people are asking for or suggesting, and also see diferent personal opinions.

There are also panels held by people and interviews too. For instance, @aggroed helds different panels with witnesses, developers and important people on the Steem and Steemit community, that discuss about the current needs of the blockchain and Steemit, their vision on the future they forsee, and speak about possible solutions. The last one he held was a few days ago, and it was with some of the top 20 witnesses and within the very known people there was @lukestokes , @jesta , @anyx and several other witnesses.

Here is the link to listen to a recording of this great panel were several important and current needs of the steem blockchain were discussed:

Big Thanks for all the great panels you are creating @aggroed!

Once we gather a reasonable amount of information about the needs, the next step is thinking according to our knowledge, what is the best we can do to add value to Steemit and the Steem blockchain. The answer may take days, weeks or even months. But I believe this answer will give us everything we need, to start our way here, and add value to people and the community of Steemit as well as the blockchain. And thus, add value for communities around the world.


Below, you will find the 11 Chapters full INDEX, were you can find several important things to know about the steemit platform, steem blockchain, and its community.

In case you think this post is original and helpful for the STEEMIT community, Please:

Upvote, Resteem, and Comment , so we can all get the most of the benefits of this cryptocurrency journey.

I like to upvote quality comments and suggestions that are good for the growth of the steem community.


Current Post/Chapter #1: What you need to know to be more confident and set your way on Steemit
[Already posted on December 27th 2017:]

1- You just signed up, whats next?
2- How fast can I earn rewards on steemit?
3- 3 ways I can earn rewards in the steemiot platform (Posting, Commenting, Curating)
4- What is an upvote, comment, resteem, follow?
5- Lets learn about the wallet area: Basics

Special Credits on this Chapter for: @teamsteem , @cryptoctopus, @timcliff (The voice of the community), @cryptogaphic , @blocktrades , @elear

Chapter/Post #2: Focusing on the Wallet to learn as much as possible about it
[Already posted on December 29th, 2017:]

1- How to use the Steem Wallet?
2- How to transfer funds from my steemit wallet to a cryptoexchange?
3- What are the 2 cryptocurrencies on the Steem Blockchain?
4- How to convert steem or sbd into Bitcoin, Eth, Ltc or other crypto?
5- Amazing Bonus: The crypto managing spreadsheet and calculator by @lukestokes and Pablo Yabo

Special Credits on this Chapter for: @cryptos , @stanleyfordyale , @steemitguide , @mindhunter , @billbutler, @blocktrades , @thecrytotrader , @ilyastarar , @timcliff (The voice of the community), @steempowerwhale , @steempower , @glennolua , @jesta , @dan-atstarlite , @lukestokes and Pablo Yabo

Chapter/Post #3: Where do Resources Funds on Upvotes come from?
[Already posted on January 1st 2018:]

1- What is voting power?
2- What is SP (Steem Power)?
3- What happens when we power up? And what happens when we power down?
4- How much votes can we do per day so that it can get recovered at 100% again in 24 hours?
5- Steem applications to check the steem blockchain transactions + check voting power remaining
6- Where do resources for votes come from?
7- What does the reputation number next to your username at the top of your blog means, and what is it for?

Special Credits on this Chapter for: @tuck-fheman , @inventor16 , @blocktrades , @cryptographic , @dantheman (the brilliant blockchain visionary), @penguinpablo , @boxmining , @donkeypong , @rulesforrebels , @steevc , @roadscape , @dan-atstarlite , @cerebralace

Chapter/Post #4: Keeping your Steem cryptocurrency Safe
[Already posted on January 3rd 2018:]

1- How can I help keep my steem account safe/secure, by using the different private/public keys on steemit, and keeping safe the ones that do not need to be used?
2- Example of using @blocktrades to keep your Bitshares account safer, when converting/transferring crypto from an exchange or Steemit to Bitshares.

Special Credits on this Chapter for: @blocktrades , @jerrybanfield , @pfunk , @steemitguide , @thecryptofiend , @dantheman (the brilliant blockchain visionary)

Chapter/Post #5: Other ways to earn on the Steem Blockchain
[Already posted on January 8th 2018:]

1- Make Contributions in @utopian-io
2- By delegating SP to minnowbooster
3- By investing Steem, and Powering Up on the platform
4- By delegating being a sponsor in @utopian-io
5- By promoting steemit in your country, city or town with #promo-steem created by @starkerz and @stephenkendal
6- By purchasing a delegation of SP from @blocktrades and curating content on the website. This will not only give you more rewards for the curated content, but will also provide more influence on the platform for the delegated time.

Special Credits on this Chapter for: @blocktrades , @lukestokes , @utopian-io , @elear (The brilliant visionary that created @utopian-io ) , @aggroed , @minnowbooster , @timcliff (The voice of the community), @terrybrock , @steemit , @starkerz and @stephenkendal

Chapter/Post #6: The Vision of its Creators, and the Power of the Steem Blockchain (Current Developments and the Ones in Process)

1- What's the vision of Steem and Steemit?
2- Why is the Steem Blockchain so powerful?
3- What are SMTs, and what are they planning to achieve?
4- What is @utopian-io?

Special Credits on this Chapter for: @blocktrades , @lukestokes , @cryptographic , @extrospect , @starkerz , @teamsteem , @utopian-io , @elear (The brilliant visionary that created @utopian-io ) , @exyle , @cryptoctopus , @jerrybanfield , @mooncryption , @aggroed

Chapter/Post #7: Using bots to upvote quality posts you want to be reached by more people

1- What are upvoting Bots?
2- How to use them with quality posts and to gain more visibility?
3- How to use Bot Tracker by @yabapmatt to help you choose the best bidding bot
4- Important bots to reduce spam and double posting, like @cheetah created by @anyx
5- What Important people on Steemit think about voting bots.
6-Some important projects about voting bots are @smartsteem / @smartmarket as well as @minnowbooster

Special Credits on this Chapter for: @yabapmatt , @jerrybanfield , @anyx , @blocktrades , @lukestokes , @extrospect , @cryptographic , @elear, @inquiringtimes @therealwolf

Chapter/Post #8: How Making Connections with other Smart & Creative People that have our same likes make steemit and our way on steemit better

1- How to make a success path way on Steemit?
2- Getting to know smart and creative people on the platform
3- Collaborate with your knowledge and experience, to help the platform grow
4- Get to know the needs of the Community and see were your knowledge fits in order to help it be a better place

Special Credits on this Chapter for: @lukestokes , @cryptoctopus , @timcliff , @terrybrock , @bigsilver , @utopian-io , @elear (The brilliant visionary that created @utopian-io ) , @theaustrianguy, @aggroed

Chapter/Post #9: Learning from Experts of specific topics on Steemit

1- Trading
2- Cryptocurrency
3- Investing
4- Steem Blockchain
5- Blockchains

Special Credits on this Chapter for: This will be revealed in the next few days

Chapter/Post #10: Other useful apps on the Steem Blockchain


Special Credits on this Chapter for: This will be revealed in the next few days

Chapter/Post #11: Steem as part of a much larger ecosystem

1- Bitshares
2- Steem
3- EOS

Special Credits on this Chapter for: @trogdor
More will be revealed in the next few days

Bonus Chapter/Post #12: Who are Steem Witnesses?

1- What is a Steem Witness?
2- Special personal Thanks for Witnesses that are contributing really huge for the Steem blockchain and Steemit

Special Credits on this Chapter for: This will be revealed in the next few days


I have upvoted and resteemed every chapter so far. Thanks for sharing. Take care.

Thanks for your comment and support @beamer . I am glad you enjoy the reading, and thanks for the resteems. My aim is to help as many new visitors, new steemit users, minnows, learn as much as possible about the steem blockchain and steemit, thus make their way on the platform.

Per @dan Larimers vision, to free us up from governments and centralized institutions, the more people who understand the new blockchain technologies and why steem is here to change the world, the more will contribute to the success of Steem, and to finally achieve what @dan has in mind since the beginning of this.

Regards, @gold84

Definitely looking to making connections on this platform! My thought is that a community that openly discussing their opinion helps other have different perspectives as we all need to learn something in order to grow. Thanks for the continuing posts!

@newageinv agreed! Thanks for your feedback and support. I believe the is a lot to come for Steem, BTS and EOS this year.
Looking forward to continue hearing from you in future posts.

Regards, @gold84

@gold84 I have gained so much thus far. This particular write-up has been beneficial to me.

Thanks for sharing. Keep up the good work

@korexe glad you are learning. Thank you for your comment, and looking forward to hear from you on future posts.
Regards, @gold84

Quite lengthy but richly informative
Need more guide on steem Witness

@mickyscofield glad this post is helping you. Thanks for your comment.

Looking forward to hear from you on future chapter/posts.

Regards, @gold84

This post has received a 3.9 % upvote from @boomerang thanks to: @gold84

You got a 10.46% upvote from @mercurybot courtesy of @gold84!

Great post really interesting and informative.
keep it up @gold84

You got a 1.54% upvote from @postpromoter courtesy of @gold84! Want to promote your posts too? Check out the Steem Bot Tracker website for more info. If you would like to support development of @postpromoter and the bot tracker please vote for @yabapmatt for witness!

Beautiful post

@gold84 Fantastic informative post! especially for new users like me I've been following Gerry Banfield and terry Brock on youtube so good to see you giving the credit here much deserved! Great info keep up the good work! Upvoted followed and resteemed!
Peace and Love my friend!:-)

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