My top 3 posts on @project.hope community (24/02/2021)

Articles curated by @project.hope : my top 3 weekly selection (24/02/2021)
I like the community and as a participant in projects I have given myself the task of weekly starting a selection of the articles that seem most interesting to me and here I bring them to you and present them now.
This is all thanks to the work of @crypto.piotr who has built this beautiful and growing community called @project.hope
We are a group of people who love technology, artificial intelligence, psychology, marketing, finance and areas for which we are passionate that we come together to share and express our ideas through this community.
This time we will talk about teamwork, security of our wi-fi network and renewable energy, I hope you enjoy these complete contents.
So Lets see, here is my top 3 :
1 - Why wait?
@knowledgefruit It makes us think about the importance of teamwork and what it means. A content that we must evaluate to learn and be better in our undertaking.
"...If things can be achieved faster and better by working together, why are we playing individualistic most of the time? Why do we see such collective efforts only during natural calamity or disaster?
Can we not make it happen in more generalistic situations?
Two minds are always better than one. Every invention/discovery which a man has done could have been brought much earlier if more minds working collectively rather than only working in isolation..."

2 - Security of a Wi-fi network - How to protect ourselves
@carlir explains in very simple terms how we can protect our wi-fi network, thus keeping our data safe and avoiding possible inconveniences. Without a doubt a topic in which we must be prepared and know what to do, and in the post we can get very good safety advice.
".. When we talk about internet we are referring to the set of computers located around the world interconnected with each other, currently the internet has become one of the most important means of information transmission. The internet is a very useful tool, which allows us to search for information very quickly and easily..."

3 - Will energy in the future be 100% renewable?
@emiliomoron makes us think about the possibility of having a planet with energy that does not depreciate and the importance to have renewable energy, for what this means and the condition it is in on our planet.
"...The transition to a clean energy model is already underway, perhaps we are accelerating this process too late, but it is still necessary to advance in the decarbonization of our energy generation systems to avoid the worst scenarios of climate change. The historic Paris Climate Agreement, which aims to limit global temperature rise to below 2°C, seems to have had a positive effect on many nations to accelerate change in their energy model..."

Wish you enjoy this reviews, i made it to collaborate with @project.hope
¡See you on my next post!
Note: 50% of this post earnings goes to @ph-fund.

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This work is under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License .
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Con el apoyo de la familia.
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Una buena selección, @reinaldoverdu