social networks
greetings to all the community I hope you are well, I was a while without writing for technical problems with the connection but I hope this problem does not arise again in the future, well what we are going with this article, we will talk about social networks and how they affect the way of life of people, I hope you like it and can leave a comment
There is no denying that social networks are one of the fastest growing technologies in our modern society, today more than ever people use their smartphones and personal computers to share their experiences and opinions on a wide variety of topics making the opinions posted on the networks a reference for millions of people who want to buy a product or purchase a service and do not know anything about its quality so they turn to the networks in search of advice from an average consumer.
This understanding of people makes social media one of the most effective tools for people and companies to promote their brands or for companies to educate consumers about their products and services in order to obtain valuable information about consumer preferences. This reality is possible thanks to the wonderful social networks that make it possible for companies to have information from consumers without many intermediaries.
It is worth noting that more and more companies are using social media as a tool to attract customers and raise awareness of a brand, on the other hand social media can be an effective communication channel that allows organisations to reach out directly to customers, get their feedback and make them feel part of the process of developing a brand or product.
Generally, the objectives of individuals and organisations using social media are: to communicate with new and existing customers; to promote the company; to develop brand awareness; to provide quality customer service; to create innovative marketing campaigns; to influence consumers' purchasing decisions.
Finally, social networks are changing because with the advent of coins, content creators have a better remuneration for their creations, that is, today content creators not only earn with the creation of advertising campaigns but can also earn coins with decentralised networks in which they are held with a native token that they can then redeem for money, this is a wonder for millions of content creators who are not big enough to charge for advertising campaigns, certainly an evolution in the networks that will take more strength every day.
In conclusion, networks are a wonderful tool that can be exploited for branding and can also be a livelihood for those who participate in decentralised networks such as Steemit, Hive and others.
Social Networks and technology in general are here to stay, it is an almost indispensable tool for companies, businesses and individuals, who have managed to reach other people who were in the memory.
These become more attractive because of the gain in currencies and how easy it can be to promote a product at less cost than before.
thanks for sharing
Hello friend @trabajosdelsiglo
Undoubtedly social networks have become the most effective tools at the business level, not only in the promotion of their brands as you comment in your publication, but to establish more direct communication channels with their workers. How useful do you think STEEM would be as a social platform linked to business marketing?
Best regards, be well.
Hello dear friend, good to see you again. I agree, social networks are a great tool nowadays, but it should be taken with great moderation since like everything they can have their negative side. Especially for children and teenagers, you can create very interesting things and you can work with it but it can also cause addiction if not handled in the right way. Greetings.
Social networks have changed the lives of many people, including myself, but there are still millions who do not know the reach of these networks where we are paid for content creation.
I am particularly a great promoter of these social networks, but I realize that it is not for everyone, many still do not understand the concept.
Hello @trabajosdelsiglo.
An extraordinary article that you share with us on this occasion, it is very true, social networks today have become useful tools for all of us from the point of view of communication, however, it will always be important the proper balance in its use because sometimes they are not implemented correctly, but each of us must be guarantor of the proper use of these new technological tools.
Thank you for sharing such extraordinary content with all of us. Greetings and many successes.
Social network's evolution is amazing, and I believe companies are using it in a proper way, at least many of them. We've seen many companies getting direct customer feedback by providing their product or service for that particular person and get his feedback, also they used it as a way to advertise their products through people which is the new way of advertisement lately, and actually it's bringing satisfying outcomes.
Nice read, thanks for sharing!