Master mind
Greetings to the PH community, this time we continue with the principles of Napoleon Hill, since I read the book (think and get rich) one of the principles that caught my attention is what the author called "master mind", in my opinion this principle has something very relevant that the author describes as the ability that can develop two or more people who decide to focus on solving a problem, according to this principle if two or more people join forces product of their union is created a third force capable of providing more efficient solutions.
What is the mastermind?
In this part of the book the writer mentions that when two or more minds unite under the same purpose a third mind is created that is superior and can lead to faster and more effective problem solving, the author mentions that the human mind can work in groups and create a collective mind superior to individual minds.The importance of the mastermind derives from the ability to borrow the talents, education and experience of other people to carry out your own goals in life; with this ability you can accomplish in one year what it would take a lifetime to do alone; it is said that if you are able to work in perfect harmony with other people you can attract spiritual forces that will bring you success if you use this principle for the benefit of the whole group and not just for selfish purposes.
What you should bear in mind when forming a group for your mastermind is that you should only involve people who are oriented towards the same objective, as with the members of the group you will share the plans to develop and the objectives to achieve, having a working group that is in harmony with your dreams and goals guarantees that you will never have to resort to the advice or opinion of a friend or relative, remember that many dreams are crushed by negative comments from people who love you but who do not have the necessary information to give their opinion.
In conclusion, the mastermind principle is not to be confused with letting others do the thinking for you. On the contrary, with this principle you can use the experience of others to form a more effective solution to current and future problems.
created by:@trabajosdelsiglo
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Interesting read.
thank you