Buildings in the Post-Covid Era and Self-Sufficient Housing

in Project HOPE4 years ago

Resource edited with PowerPoint by @tocho2.

Hello friends of Project Hope ..!

The new trend in the current era where we live very close to the Covid, is to ventilate our homes, allow the entry of more natural light and flood our spaces with the warm rays of the sun that enter through the windows. But not everything is so perfect, in some cases, many families do not have these possibilities, their spaces are closed and poorly ventilated.

Looking at the global reality, none of our homes was conceived to keep us secluded or isolated for so long. Our offices and work centers were designed for continuous interaction between co-workers, so what will new homes or office buildings look like now?

Post-Covid healthy buildings

Architecture and construction are transformed to provide solutions to problems that were already believed to be solved. For example:

  • Ventilated spaces, it is necessary in future homes to bring back the old style of high ceilings and large windows to stimulate cross ventilation, because it is necessary to "air" the spaces, the natural air currents in summer are healthy and cool the environment. environment, also displacing the "stale air" inside the house.

  • More natural light inputs, as in the previous case, we already know that natural light can eliminate the bacteria present in dust, closed rooms and rooms with natural light inputs the greater number of hours a day, they become healthy and undoubtedly harmonious spaces.

  • At an industrial and business level, we must think about the proper management of acoustics, because in large spaces acoustics is very problematic, becoming a reason for reducing the distance between people who talk or give instructions in the room work, obviously we are talking about the "healthy distance" between people that has been promoted as a healthy measure today to avoid contagion.

  • Inclusion of decontamination areas such as lobbies where people can get rid of their shoes when you enter your home or disinfect your shoes and hands when entering your office.

  • Meeting spaces and common areas which should provide the possibility of decontaminating objects, clothes, shoes and hands of users, as well as the possibility of giving themselves socially without entering into risk of contagion, this is the first challenge.

Free use resource from Pixabay.

But these 5 common aspects are only basic and understood topics. The great challenge in reality is at the residential level because the concept of sustainability and self-sufficiency must be updated.


What will self-sufficient housing look like in the post-covid era?

The lockdown of the year 2020 brought a new style of social isolation for health reasons, and it came to be part of our lives without knowing for how long, so it is necessary to reinvent the lifestyle to which we were accustomed, we must learn to survive with the resources that we have within our homes, to the point that we must return to some ancestral practices, but with technological adaptations.

The new homes must have spaces to create your own organic food, a kind of small family garden, considering that many of our homes are in the center of large and small cities, far from the countryside and some without natural gardens. Consequently, “small family gardens” must be adapted to the small spaces provided with natural light or LED light necessary for the growth of plant species. This would reduce somewhat the need to go out for some provisions.

Free use resource from Pixabay.

And if space permits, you can create small greenhouses with sloping roofs that would favor the placement of photovoltaic panels to generate your own electrical energy. Likewise, these sloping roofs will incorporate a rainwater collection system for use in the home for watering plants and gardens, for the W.C. among other uses.

It is also necessary to have a workplace inside the home, equipped with the necessary technology and facilities such as internet, computer, work table, kichinet, but "isolated even within the home." This is because now working hours are being fulfilled "from home", and the old studies or jobs at home were used occasionally, currently working from home is another challenge to overcome, because work functions overlap with household chores, childcare, and typical interruptions by family members.

Free use resource from Pixabay.

The isolation inside the house for work reasons is possible through the use of insulating panels, false walls, sliding doors and a proper management of acoustics, "the sounds of the home" can be annoying and embarrassing in case of a videoconference.

None of this is new, it has already been put into practice in some first world countries such as Canada, Norway and Ireland. We will find a similar initiative with the name of "ecological housing". The only new thing is that "now it is not a fashion or trend", now it is a great need, now we will all be forced to adapt our homes to the new needs and challenges brought by the global pandemic of 2020.



Faced with all the aforementioned challenges, we must balance what our priorities are, keep our families safe inside the home before possible infections outside of them or continue with our old work, family and social routines. We must also take into account that all these improvements in our current homes and workplaces represent a large investment, and if we think about the costs of production and acquisition of new "self-sufficient homes", we are also talking about large sums compared to the case of conventional housing.

If you liked this post, comment and let me know your opinion ..!

More information about Buildings Post-Covid in this link

"All the text has been written according to my professional experience as an engineer, university professor, researcher and developer of engineering projects."

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With the arrival of the virus life changed and from my point of view I do not think we will return to the world we had before the virus, I imagine that as things progress more solutions will be implemented to try to adapt to this new reality that does not seem to end, good article.

Hello @trabajosdelsiglo, we certainly do not know until when we will live "the current reality", but in any case these are healthy practices for all times

Hello @tocho2
It is impressive the changes that have been generated, and I am struck by the fact that in a certain way in this of the sizes is thought to return to the old, bigger house, with more space. But I wonder if this could be possible in all countries, we know that there are many in which the large population is increasingly limiting and decreasing the sizes of houses, parking lots, everything. And agricultural food is expensive, an example of this is Japan.

Hello @josevas217, I believe that optimizing spaces in overpopulated countries will be the great challenge, as your comment suggests.

I think you have successfully added house ventilation to the current COVID-19 safety protocols. Your write up is convincing enough!

Hello @gboye1 friend, thanks for commenting..!

Me encantó el concepto de la propuesta, realmente creo que debimos ser más cuidadosos con la humanidad desde antes, pero igual pienso que los niños y genereaciones futuras harán un mundo sustentable posible.
Saludos querida amiga.


Hola @slwzl, justamente esto que lo que se viene dentro de poco, y en cierto modo es un estilo de casas más saludables.

Gracias por tu apreciación..!

Excelente propuesta! En mi caso, soy del interior (Maturín) y como esta ciudad aún es bastante parecida a un pueblo, las casas del sector donde vivo cumplen con algunos de estas recomendaciones. Los techos de mi casa son bastante altos, tenemos una excelente entrada de luz, ya que contamos con grandes ventanas. También tenemos un espacio abierto(Un patio grande) y está dividido en una parte para pasar el rato y otra con toda la siembra de mi madre. A partir del tema del covid he valorado más el lugar donde vivo, porque en Caracas en el apartamento hubiese enloquecido 🤭

Ciertamente estamos valorando más nuestros espacios en esta situación que estamos atravezando a nivel mundial, y hasta creo que estamos viendo nuestros hogares con "otros ojos".

Saludos y gracias por tu valioso comentario amiga @marinave..!

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Enhorabuena, su "post" ha sido "up-voted" por @dsc-r2cornell, que es la "cuenta curating" de la Comunidad de la Discordia de @R2cornell.

This is really a nice development in the post covid-19 era and I must say necessary factors were actually considered during the construction from what I've read here so far.

Thanks for sharing this great post with love from @hardaeborla and I hope you have a great day ahead ❤️💕♥️

Hello @hardaeborla, thanks for you kind comment..!

See you soon.

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