The healthy nature of communication in business

in Project HOPE4 years ago

Finally the market is bouncing back after passing through out the drastic fall recently. With the way I am seeing cryptocurrency especially bitcoin, the trust in it has risen more than 90%. I remembered back then when the entire space is against cryptocurrency, all they keep saying is that it is illegal and untrustworthy. They alarm the entire space that anybody using it is doing it on his/her own and if anything happens along the line they should knows that nobody will be held responsible. Of a true anything you do in the cryptocurrency space you will be responsible for it being it loss or gain. Just bear it on your mind that it is either you win or loose. What I usually told people who ask or begged me to put them through on cryptocurrency is that they should see it as their physical investment. If that be the case, we all know that in investment it is pure business and in business is either you win or loose.

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With the above we all know that the rate at which bitcoin goes up and down back then shows that many were still finding it hard to believe or some person's were still having the mentality that it is like a Ponzi scheme, you get burnt if you are not lucky. But as time progresses, the use case of cryptocurrency begins to shows up. People now see that this digital asset has a lot to offer other than just being an investment choice. That is the reason in 2021 the rate at which people buys cryptocurrency asset skyrocket. We can see that while comparing past and present statistics. Because of the believe and love people have for this digital asset, they decided to key into it fully without minding what will or might happens along the line.

Well I will keep that discussion for another day. Back to what we have at hand, communication has proven to be a vital tool that pushes life itself forward. Communication should not in any way be overlook because it is very vital. Just imagine we both being put in a room and we don't communicate, it will look as if we are dead. So you can see that it is important. It gives us the privilege to be able to expresses ourselves passionately. Before I digresses further, permit me to give you the meaning of communication.

What is communication?

From research communication can be seen as the imparting or exchanging of information by speaking, writing, or using some other medium. They are various medium on which communication can be expressed, they include; verbal, written, nonverbal and visual.


From the above we now knows that communication is important in our everyday life. That aside, I think it is right time we knows the importance of communication when it comes to business.

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Importance of communication when it comes to business

When it comes to business communication plays a very important criteria, some include;

i. Customer's Angle: When you are very plain and soft hearted in business you will see that your customers will be able to give you feedback on your business. They will be able to tell you they love or dislike your product. They will be able to guide you if they feel there is need for that regarding your business. This can only be done by communicating.

ii. Employee: As the CEO of your business you will see that those under you or rather still your employee's will love to also guide you if they feel there is need for that. This can only happen if there is good communication linkage between you and them. Don't see yourself as the CEO all the time, remain humble and your subordinate will love to shield you with the necessary guide on how to run your business.

iii. Aid your business: With proper communication you will be able to know what you need to put in place in your business. Ideas will flies in from different medium.

iv. It foster love and unity: When there is communication in your business you will see love and unity flying around. This will enables you to be able to spot enmity between your workers if such act is running in your company.

v. Aid information: With communication information can easily be passed being it wrong and right messages.


Remember communication is a tool that enables information to be passed. This is the more reason it is very important because with it you will be able to knows what your customers love and what your employees are passing through. Through this medium you will see yourself meeting up to expectation because you were informed and this information aids you to know what you are lacking.

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In business we have also to be strinct and to set our own rules and to not let other use us !

Communication should not be overlook in any business. In fact any successful business can't be successful without proper communication existing in the business

Communication is key in any relationship especially if it's a customer-client relationship or employee-employer relationship. Nice piece

Thanks for the comment

A CEO who gives room for communication will grow at a very fast pace rather than a person who does not. The success of a business is not just based on one person's knowledge but the ability of people to link ideas together.

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