When The Small Steps Matter Much
A lot of people focus more on taking giant strides and to achieve big things, but they often pay less attention to the little steps that actually matter more. What you should understand is that some of these big achievements that you want to have may even start from taking little steps. For example; a kid who wants to be a doctor in the future will not wait until when they will just jump into medical school, they will have to start small from nursery school, then to primary school and the process continues. If you are not ready to take the small steps today, then you may not be able to take the giant stride tomorrow. Start with that small step today and see how powerful it will be in the future.

The power of the small steps is without question. In fact, some little actions that people tend to neglect may hold the key to the achievement they need. Just to let you know; it is the cumulative of these small steps that will become giant strides for you. Sometimes ago, something happened that taught me a very vital lesson in life. The pipe supplying water from the overhead tank to the house started leaking at the joints. So we had to look for how to cover up the leaks. When we got to the leak, we were only concerned with the bigger spot, so we patched it up. Since the adhesive we bought could not patch all of them, we only concentrated on the major leak. We succeeded in fixing that one and the major leak got sealed.
We thought to ourselves that the other leak was very small and will not make much impact until we have bought another adhesive to fix it. Since it was on Saturday, we had to wait till Monday before the market resumed to buy it. We decided to put a bucked under the spot where the water was dropping. Surprisingly, by Monday when we bought it, we discovered that the bucket was already full and even pouring out. We did not believe that such tiny drops could make such impact. This goes to prove the power and potency of the small steps that a lot of people ignore. In life, there are things that, if you had started yesterday, you would have been taking giant strides by now.
It is sad that a lot of people do not want to start small from where they are, they want to start big with a giant stride and this has limited a lot of people. Believe me, a lot of people who have a lot of success in many fields of human endeavours started very small. In fact, some did not even have a fair support at the start, but it did not stop them from taking the small steps. No matter how you start your journey, what matters is the process and the destination. As long as you know where you are going to, then the small step towards it is a plus and will take you closer to it, instead of waiting until you can start with a giant stride. After all, the journey of many hours and miles will obviously start with you taking a step.

I once read about a very renowned tech giant of this era and how he started with company. He started small from his garage without help from outside. In fact, the resources he had at that time was so limited that he could not afford a decent office space, but he started nonetheless. Through consistency, determination, dedication, and hard work, he was able to achieve some mind-blowing feats in the world of tech. At this present time, he has risen to become among the top tech billionaires of the world. If he had kept waiting for support so that he would start big, he may never have started and his dream would have become obsolete.
When you create a dream or an idea, then the next step is to put in actions towards it. The tiniest step is far better then a no step. You do not have to see the whole journey or the entire staircase before you take the first step. The most important thing is that you know where you are going to. Remember that the destination, which is the result, may be constant, but the direction that you will take to get there and the processes involved may vary. But when you start on time, then you have already used time in your favour. That step you have already wished you took in the past, take it now, so that it will not be too late.
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