What Is In Mistakes?
I remember when I was much younger - when I started primary school, I was given a pencil and an eraser. One will wonder why I was given an eraser. Well, it's very easy: the learning process will almost always be incomplete without errors. I guess this is the same reason erasers were invented. Similarly, in various other spheres of human endeavor and life, certain levels of mistakes have the proclivity to happen but what is paramount is what you do after the mistakes have occurred. Do you dwell in the errors or do you learn from it and acquire more knowledge?

When you see kids make mistakes with pencils and clear it with erasers, it is counted for them as the required process of learning and as time goes on, they will learn from their mistakes. This is why, pupils start with pencils and then progress into using pens when they have mastered themselves to a certain degree. You see, the errors of the past are what gave them the mystery of today.
The severity of the mistakes you make notwithstanding, do not allow it to define who you are. All you need to do is to raise yourself up and learn from the mistake through corrections and move on. What correction does is to make the best out of us. However, for the correction to work, you first need to accept the errors and then know why the errors were made at the initial time. The honest truth is, if you cannot be sincere to yourself as why you made the errors, then you have obviously not learnt anything and you may repeat the errors.
The errors that you are scared to confront may become your major undoing in the future. When errors come, quickly attack them from the root to figure out the possible solution to them before they become part of you. When mistakes are made, do not beat yourself over it nor think that you are a failure. See it as an evidence and proof that you are, at least, making a considerable attempt towards success. Believe me, making mistakes is a part of trying out an entirely new strategy and it is much better than remaining inactive or sedentary.

There are some mind-blowing feats that the world has seen that were the results of mistakes. Take the invention of the light bulb for example, the number of times that the inventor made errors would have easily discouraged other people but he refused to yield to discouragement and at least, he was face-to-face with his invention. This is just one out of a lot that were able to leverage on their errors and their supposed failures to hit their goal. No wonder it has been said that errors do not mean a setback but it is a process of taking a few steps back to effect a better comeback. Winners include those that use their errors as springboards to ascend higher.
Nothing teaches a resounding lesson like experiencing something first-hand whether through errors or whatnot. It is worthy to note that when someone makes an error and tries again, he will be at a better advantage over the person that has never made any attempt because he will be attempting the second time with the knowledge that was gained from the first attempt. So don't be scared of making errors, be scared of not making attempts.
Thanks for reading
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Thanks buddy
Hmm! Impressive content.
This really got me thinking a lot because almost everyone of us was once guilty about this act though but I hope to start confronting my errors as from this moment.
Thanks for sharing this great post with love from @hardaeborla and I hope you have a great day ahead ❤️💕❤️
That's the idea - to start confronting your errors. Thanks a lot buddy @hardaeborla
Yeah, the fear of failing has made so many people not to be able to confront their fears, in order to learn from it. Well said, @hardaeborla
Can you imagine at this point in life having an eraser to erase the mistakes? that would be wonderful, but the realities are different, where we must learn and often bear the consequences of having committed, excellent work.
But without those mistakes you would be a completely different person than you are today. What we are is the sum of all experiences we've had, the good ones and the bad ones.
Well, things are much different in reality but we can always learn from mistakes. Thanks a lot for the nice comment buddy
I feel our best teacher is the our experience. An experienced person in a particular field will produce a better result than an intelligent person in that same field, because the experienced person have already seen the way it is done, made errors and learned from them, so he/she will definitely produce a better result.
What a way to end article
Thanks for this nice article @samminator
Wow! Such an amazing and highly insightful comment you dropped here. I am honoured by your presence. Thanks a lot
Thanks for your nice article, I enjoyed reading through. Keep up the great work @samminator
Greetings friend. An important point, many people miss great opportunities for fear of making mistakes, there is a phrase that sometimes I repeat "I did not make a mistake, I just found a way not to do it" I like it because it takes away the weight of fear and gives value to learning, because nothing teaches more than experimenting, of course, learning from each mistake not to repeat them.
Exactly. Having the fear of making mistakes will only limit one from taking risks and from making progress. Thanks buddy
Hello friend @samminator
Many times since we were children we are taught that the one who makes mistakes is a kind of failure, and I think that is far from the truth. The reality is that mistakes are intrinsic to every activity we do, everything is subject to errors, no matter how many numbers are used to calculate.
These days I have been studying Forex trading, it is complex, but the mistakes I have made have made me lose money, and this loss product of a mistake makes it very valuable to make mistakes to improve little by little.
As always, interesting reading.
Making mistakes should not be considered as failure but as part of the process of learning. Thanks for coming around and for the nice comment buddy
I have noticed that you are trading forex based on the topics of numerous of your articles. So how is going so far, forex?
Hello friend, mistakes are only part of a norm and in order for growth to occur certain mistakes will first happen, it is however left to us to make quick corrections and move on instead of getting stuck to those errors.
Yes, when mistakes occur, the best thing to do is to quickly pick the correction, learn from it and move on. Thanks buddy
Well said @frederickbangs, because if many of us, had this mindset from a young age, we would been able to embrace our errors and learn from them, to become a better version of ourselves.
Greetings @samminator just like in school it has ups and downs, the difference lies in that we can't use our eraser and make our mistakes disappear, we just have to move on and learn from this, thanks for your input.
That's correct, even though we can't use eraser to clear our mistakes, we can leverage on them to become better. Thanks buddy
Very well said nicely shared life mistakes are meant to teach us lesson not dwelling on those mistakes will determine how far we will go.
That's it, everyone should be able to pick lessons from mistakes. Thanks buddy
Amazing childhood memories, in life we need to be able to make use of our eraser well in order to eliminate bad experiences and then focus on helpful strategies that we can use for a beneficial future.
I love the last part; we should focus more on creating strategies that will help our future. Thanks buddy