Fiverr | a dream come true for freelance
Fiverr is an Israeli Marketplace where you can buy and sell services, but what is most traded are services, the main theme of the page is that a group of people offers a specific service, such as graphic design, translations, drawings, being the voice a video or make a video, video and audio editing, offer your service as a singer, etc ... anything you are good at can be offered here on fiverr.
You can charge from 5 dollars to 900 dollars for your services and the methods of pay are fiverr cards, bank transfers and my favorite PayPal, so there are no excuses not to generate money from home during this pandemic, surely there is some service that you can offer in fiverr, in my case I am going to offer my services as a translator and everything that has to do with the Spanish language as writing and that kind of thing, surely you are also good at something and you can offer it here.In fiverr we create our profile and it is understood that it is difficult to find that first client, the evaluation that your clients give you is very important since everything is public and is registered, the page recently implemented an advertising system where you can make the publication About the services you offer have more visibility, however I recommend a good publication with an interesting image, try to tell a little about yourself with a photo included so that the client feels that he knows you.
You can generate income from your home with this platform, this is a dream for freelancers, here there are more than 400 categories for buying and selling digital services, the subscription is totally free and you just have to post the job you want to offer and put a price on it. Let's not fool ourselves there is fierce competition here but you lose nothing by trying there are people who earn thousands of dollars on this platform, especially because they arrived a long time ago, but I think it is never too late, there is always a chance for one more in this very competitive world.
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Greetings @amsesuchiha
No doubt this type of platforms like Fiverr, are of great help to capitalize additional resources that we can add to our passive income, success with your translation and writing services in Spanish language. Great publication from its utilitarian purpose, best regards. We keep reading.
We can do something great in fiveer if we put our minds to it, thank's for read
Greetings friend, Fiveer has been projecting itself as a great platform to offer the services you mentioned in your writing, nowadays it is a fundamental tool to provide remote services due to the pandemic.
Thanks for sharing with us, this kind of promising platforms to generate income, see you later !
many people are taking advantage of this platform , thank's for read
Fiverr has been a safe haven for so many people financially and for a lot of people they quit their usual daily job and they decide to work conveniently from the comfort of their homes.
That's right friend, many people are there making money, thank's for read
Hello dear friend, hey how good that service looks, it seems to me a great option for people who can provide some activity or service to others, I think you can generate great income through it. Thanks for sharing it. Greetings!
Many people are there making money, thank's for read
I have been fiverr for over a year, and I can tell you that fiverr is a promise to unemployed famz. Yeah, maybe we can collaborate a little as well. Would chat you up on discord, perhaps, we might figure something betting out. I once introduced fiverr to fellow community members of ph last year, but I believe those who are interested can do more. I am pretty sure people make thousands of $ every month from the platform, and I want to be major beneficiary too. Thumb up
sure friend communicate with me for discord whenever you want ramsesuchiha # 8999 , thank's for read
I have heard about this platform, there really are people offering services of all kinds, I think it is an excellent option for freelancers, success in your writing services friend @ramsesuchiha
I do not offer any service there at the moment, maybe one day, thank's for read
I have tried some times fiver for the project but did not get any because of competition. If we are older and have lots of Rating we will grow on that plateform.
I haven't met someone who has tried,that's cool, the competition is tough everywhere buddy , thank's for read
It has really been an old system that has been highly rewarding and is still helpful and rewarding utptil this moment.
Thank's for read