Habits for a new Entrepreneur. Part # 02

in Project HOPE4 years ago (edited)

Greetings dear readers.

I hope you are very well and that everything you are doing to achieve your endeavors turns out very well!

Today I share the second part of: Habits for an entrepreneur part # 02. If you have not read the first part yet, here is the link 👉 Habits for a new entrepreneur. Part # 01


As I told you in the previous post, I am talking about undertaking because this is my most recurrent theme, undertaking in times of crisis.
Today I bring you the second part of the list of habits that I am putting into practice, doing everything possible to keep the focus on it.

BE FAITHFUL TO MY VALUES, this seems to me of vital importance, more than being faithful to our values ​​is being faithful to ourselves, anyone is faithful to their values, principles and to themselves when they have little, the proof is in being faithful to your values ​​once you have or are obtaining capital or achievements, there you will see yourself face to face with your real reflection, when you do well in your venture remember why you started, remember, whoever forgets their past is destined to repeat it .

DO NOT ENVY OUR NEIGHBOR, each of us has a lot to give, each person has a personal stamp, envy is a way of saying that we want what the other has but we cannot achieve it, turning envy into admiration is the On the way, admire whoever has achieved what you want to achieve, in this world there is room for everyone, take care to find your own place and put your personal stamp on everything you do.

DO NOT CRITICIZE THE WAY OF ALONE, Let us not fall into the mistake of criticizing others because they do not take risks and undertake or because they prefer to work for someone else, everyone is free to choose which way to go, to follow our path without Criticizing that of others speaks highly of our emotional and spiritual maturity.

PURSUE GOALS NOT DREAMS, for this we must be clear about the difference between the two, a real goal has a deadline, either in the short, medium or long term, fantasies do not have a deadline, these are unlimited, and yes It is worth dreaming but when we start we must understand that we must set goals, not fantasies, in this way we will walk to achievements with a high percentage of fulfillment. Dreaming without acting is not the right way.


As I mentioned, these habits are part of my process of change and entrepreneurship, I hope they are useful to you.

I await your comment about it.

Happy Sunday 😉


I really love the last point you dropped here. As an entrepreneur, you need to set goals and pursue them. While pursing them, you also need to put time frame for them, otherwise it may end up being futile.
Nice piece here buddy

Good morning friend, that's right, dreaming is easy, the difficult thing is to set a deadline. thanks for reading my post.

Hello @nahela
This entrepreneurship thing is not for everyone, it took me a while to realize that, but I did it, I don't waste time on people who are just doing the same thing over and over again. It's as simple as that. And I understand everyone's position.
In fact, I hope that everyone does well, whether they are entrepreneurs or not. Having goals is very important, because otherwise, there is no fixed point where to go.

Excellent start to the week friend, at the end everyone is free to decide what to do with their life, what would the world be like if we all thought the same?

Hello friend, excellent advice, I think that not envying others is something we should all practice, we don't know what that person has gone through to get to where he/she is. It is very easy to envy but we don't work on it to be better people. Greetings and thanks for your publication, success!

happy start to the week dear, that's right! it is easier to envy what is foreign than to work on what is ours. good that you liked my post. Blessings.

Hi @nahela, I read your previous post and I must congratulate you for sharing these recommendations, there are no standards to achieve success hence the key is to have a pattern of habits, determination, and self-confidence that will help us in any process of entrepreneurship.

Happy Monday friend, there is no right or wrong path, there is only the personal path, the one we build every day.

Very well said. Most especially that aspect you said pursue goals and not dreams. I believe that's very true . So true. When one pursue goals, it leads to success much more than dreams as an entrepreneur

Happy Monday friend. dreams with dates are goals, little by little we understand things better, thanks for stopping by. Greetings.

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