Author: @madridbg, via Power Point 2010, using public domain images. Myriams-Fotos
Greetings and welcome dear readers of this improved platform, continuing with the scientific approach, this time we will be conducting a bibliographic review on a pathology that affects women in states of pregnancy, referring to preeclampsia.
In this sense, preeclampsia should be understood as a clinical pathology that presents after the 20th week of pregnancy and is characterized by increased hypertension, which is usually accompanied by edema, Clinically, only the symptoms can be treated, so the only way to control it completely is to interrupt the pregnancy.
The pathology represents an adverse scenario for both the fetus and the mother, since it can cause complications and even death if it is not given due attention. Among the medical complications that can cause the pathology, the following stand out: the evolution to a more complex clinical condition such as eclampsia that can generate the HELLP syndrome and sometimes cause cerebral hemorrhages, aggressive edema in the lungs, kidney failure, among other conditions that threaten against the welfare and life of the patient.

Fig. 2. The increased pressure usually appears after the 20th week of pregnancy. Author: Antonio Corigliano
Currently, this pathology represents the fourth disease to cause the highest maternal mortality, even in developed countries that have all the technological and scientific advances to combat it.
At the level of the fetus, the pathology is usually accompanied by placental insufficiency that is usually evidenced by intrauterine growth restriction and that can generally cause fetal death.
In this way and based on the above, a group of researchers attached to the National University of La Plata, Argentina, have carried out a continuous follow-up in pregnant patients and with the pathology in initial stages. The study has been based on a constant monitoring of arterial hypertension in a sample of patients that exceeds 450 women.

Fig. 3. Nocturnal hypertension is a variable that triggers pre-eclampsia. Author: Boris Gonzalez
Among the remarkable results of the research is that more than 90% of patients have suffered from nocturnal hypertension, understood as the increase in blood pressure during night periods, where there is a greater risk of suffering from congestive heart failure.
In such a way that they have assumed the rise in nocturnal pressure, as a variable that must be studied since it is not everyday that a large part of the population studied presents the same pathology. According to the study, the diagnosis to identify early pre-eclampsia is assumed when hypertension is in the ranges between (BP>140/90) for hypertension and (>300mg/24 hours) for proteinuria, values that are assumed after week 20 in previously healthy pregnant women.

Fig. 4. Reference values for blood pressure. Author: Paul K. Whelton y Col
Thus, severe pre-eclampsia is assumed in previously healthy patients when systolic and diastolic pressure exceeds 160/110, respectively, and when proteinuria is greater than 2g every 24 hours.
Undoubtedly, it is a valid association that researchers have been able to establish and although the behavior of a growing number of patients is still being evaluated, there is already a precedent for us to be able to anticipate clinically a condition that It affects many pregnant women.

[1] V. Cararach Ramoneda y F. Botet Mussons. Preeclampsia. Eclampsia and HELLP syndrome.Artículo: Acceso Online
[2] Lapidus y Col. Hypertensive states and pregnancy "Artículo: Acceso Online


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