Author: @madridbg, via Power Point 2010, using public domain images.. Tumisu
Greetings and welcome dear readers, this delivery may be far from the type of content I usually share, but I find it interesting to try to diversify my blog and at the same time generate some substantial contribution to the individual growth of each person who accompanies me on this journey we call writing.
I will start this post with a biblical story composed by Jacob, Rachel, Leah and Laban. To enter in context it is necessary to understand that Laban is the father of Leah (eldest daughter) and Rachel (youngest daughter), it happens that Jacob being a relative of Laban, falls in love with Rachel for whom he was willing to work for 7 years, without benefits, on the condition that after that time, he could marry Rachel.
By circumstances of life, Jacob had deceived his own father and it seems that destiny would do the same thing to him, so that after 7 years of work, the long awaited and longed for moment arrives for this man.
Consequently, Laban arranges the ceremony for Jacob to dispossess his daughter, however, in the matter of life, Jacob does not manage to visualize the face of his wife, until the next day, once the marriage had been consummated, to Jacob's surprise, the wife with whom he had dawned was not Rachel but her sister Leah.
The man dismayed by what happened, approaches and in a form of complaint asks Laban, the reason for the deception, if he had worked for his daughter Rachel and he replied that according to the customs, first the older daughter is given and then the younger, that if you want to dispose of Rachel he must work for another 7 years, which he accepted and did so. (If you want to deepen the story you can go to Genesis 29).

Fig. 2. Our life projections are as large as we allow them to be.. Author: Free-Photos
Under the above scenario, sometimes we long for many aspects of life and underestimate what it gives us, in this sense, and in the form of analogy Rachel will represent what is desired and Read what God or life has given us without any request.
Therefore, beyond the circumstances of life, crisis, failures and turbulent times, we must put the best face and take advantage of these scenarios as Jacob did, who worked another 7 years for his Rachel, without abandoning what life had given him (Leah), so that with a proper attitude, the circumstance that we do not want, ends up becoming blessings and prosperity for the life of a person.
In such a way, we must learn to take advantage of any scenario of our existence, without ceasing to think about our dreams and our ambitions, just as Jacob did who with the passing of time managed to marry Rachel and ended up living with the two sisters, that is, with the desired and with the unexpected, making the desired of greater value since we focus and work hard to achieve it.
So the call is for you dear reader, do not despise the Lea that life has given you, on the contrary, use her to reach the Rachel you are looking for. In this sense, I would like to know your opinion about this experience.


Grateful with the community @project.hope and with all the management team of the same one that they motivate us to continue working in a mutual and balanced growth.

Greetings @madridgb 💕❤️
There are times whereby accepting what life give us beyond our ambition may be very difficult to do but we just really need to understand the concept of destiny and always believe that what is meant for you will definitely be for you and what isn't meant for you will never be for you.
Thanks for sharing this great post with love from @hardaeborla and I hope you have a great day ahead ❤️💕❤️
Though it might not work at times but one thing i believe is that not everytime one should accept what the life offers at times and also some times we should accept it also
Excellent analogy, very much in line with what you wanted to address, definitely right and understood the message, looking for a Rachel and getting a Leah is not a bad thing but you should take advantage of what you have without giving up working for what you want.
thank you
Hello friend, a good reflection, sometimes or almost always we complain about the things we get in life, not knowing that there will always be someone who is in worse situations. We should be thankful every day, being alive is already something to be thankful for. Greetings.
Hello prof! Had it been jacob rejected his first wife despite she was not is chose he might be barren for years as the story continues. I believe that he became a father of 12 nations becaus he accepted what was given to him at first.
Thanks for sharing! Greetings