IoV: Liberating Finance and Creative Minds
Internet of Value unleashes an era of creative prosperity.

Think of a blockchain-based global network as a free and fair limitless space to create and share.
- It advances the current service-based, selective (AI), limited, censored, and restricted Internet.

A blockchain-based network challenges the value of ideas, as well as the creator’s network (money and influence) and talent for dissemination (building on blockchain).
The traditional service-based Internet funnels ideas through traffic laden servers, all the while monitoring with elaborate tools like biased AI tools and charging fees.

Traditional Internet services make money both off the information created by users as well as on the fees.
Blockchain, by design, removes inefficiencies. Valueless intermediaries and their influence are depreciated.
It’s also a system that encourages value over unsubstantiated trends. For example, the Associated Press' test of voting on blockchain is a step in the right direction for eliminating fake news.

The Internet of Value (IoV) takes over from the Internet of Things (IoT). Instead of just devices networking with each other, ideas can.
Centered around the flow of digital assets, a new economic system of peer-to-peer trading can take hold. Participants now have the option of operating in a realm outside of server traffic. For service providers this means that innovation is no longer concentrated on funneling speed. Rather, creating value for the whole ecosystem becomes the objective.
Initially, the IoV can be challenging to envision. Try this:
- the old Internet focused on building faster roads and faster cars
- a blockchain-based global network focuses on building airplanes and faster engines
Thus, engine and aerodynamic innovations spread throughout the system. Instead of the next car in line determining the speed of traffic flow, there's the skill and experience of the pilot- AND THE GREAT WIDE OPEN BLUE SKIES.

Spread the word and create exciting opportunities.
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hi @machnbirdsparo,
it's a bit hard to imagine but if it were possible for that to happen many current ills would be solved, the best example I can give would be with a nation's public funds no longer being susceptible to theft or false identities just to mention a few serious problems that would be solved.