The IoT or the machine revolution?
About 22 years ago, exactly on March 31, 2021, the Wachowski sisters' science fiction film The Matrix, starring Carrie-Anne Moss, Keanu Reeves, and Laurence Fisburne, premiered in the United States of America. This film marked a before and after not only in some cinematographic editing techniques but also in the way a probable war between the machines and the human being was approached in a dystopian future.
Human beings were exploited on farms, as raw material for the generation of energy for machines, while you made them believe that they lived a non-existent reality created and managed by computer programs, algorithms, and of course a network of interconnected computers known as The Matrix.

Why the remembrance of this science fiction classic? Well, because in this article we will be talking about the technology that makes it possible to create a communication network between different electronic devices and between them with the human being, its name: the internet of things (IoT). Would you like to know what the IoT is? How does it work? What are its benefits? Well, stay with me and let's talk about this very interesting topic.
I think it's a good idea to go looking for Neo!

What is the Internet of Things (IoT)?
The Internet of Things is a digital interconnection network between devices, people, and the Internet itself that facilitates the interaction of these three elements, in such a way that data can be exchanged between them, creating a synergy that seeks to improve the efficiency of the performance of The devices, on the one hand, improve the best user experience on the other and generate a real-time database that allows the development of the AI of the different electronic elements connected to the network.
The term IoT was initially coined in 1999 (coincidentally the same year as The Matrix was launched) by British researcher Kevin Ashton, co-founder of the Auto-ID Center, at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) where research on identification was conducted. network radio frequency and sensor technologies. Initially, this concept was associated with the connection between computers, smartphones, and tablets.

How does the IoT work?
The devices associated with a common network, developed under IoT technology, are connected with a process called M2M (machine to machine) in which two electronic devices or machines communicate with each other using any type of connectivity available (it can be cable, WiFi, Bluetooth, etc.), allowing you to get your work done without the need for a human to intervene directly. So that the "machines" can interpret their physical environment, specific sensors and chips installed in the devices are used, which, through the use of AI, allow them to analyze what is happening around them and how to react to certain situations.

On the other hand, these connected devices generate a large amount of data that reaches an IoT platform that collects, processes, and analyzes it. Likewise, the patterns of human use, analyzed together with the data received from the devices, allow us to anticipate and automatically schedule certain activities for the correct maintenance of the status of the devices or for the timely attention of the user's needs.
As an example of this we have lamps and smart mobile phones that, when connected with a smartwatch, on the user's wrist, could be turned on / off, depending on the user's sleep pattern, they could even order the TV, the coffee maker or from the water heater, depending on the alarm time set on the said clock. In the case of the connection and interaction of the elements of a home, it is also known as home automation and virtual assistants such as Google's Alexa or Apple's Siri are of fundamental importance between processes.

What are the goals of the IoT
In theoretical terms, the IoT seeks that most devices are permanently connected to the Internet to improve their efficiency, anticipate user needs and provide daily information, in real-time, that allows the development of AI and its use within the daily processes of the human being, automating them and making them more and more efficient.

The idea is that in the not too distant future everything is connected to the network and interacts automatically, including people, processes, and data. The management of large amounts of information to provide useful knowledge for day-to-day or for other purposes that ultimately also seek the common good is an increasingly less utopian goal from this approach, in which machines, through AI, take a more proactive role in the performance of their duties.
Such as lamps that turn off when they are no longer needed, to save energy, a robot vacuum cleaner that is activated to clean the home when the user is not there, or even a refrigerator that sends notifications for the purchase of supplies when it detects little existence of the same In short, the applications that can be given to such a valuable technological tool are endless.

What did you think of the IoT? Would you like to have this technology in your life? How do you imagine the human-machine interaction will be in the next 20 years? I would like to see your answers to these and other questions in the comment box, you can also let me know if you want me to develop other aspects related to this interesting topic.
We keep reading!

Hi @karupanocitizen, you certainly developed a very interesting topic in this post. Well, the technological advances that arise day after day must be known to mankind. Answering your questions
Of course I like the technological advances that have been developed so far and more if they help us to have a better quality of life.
I hope that this interaction will be positive and that man will not be affected by this evolution as was the case in the middle of the 18th century, with the beginning of the Industrial Revolution and the replacement of the working class of that time by machines.
Greetings @sidalim88, thank you very much for your valuable comments, I agree with you in the fact that we all want the best of technology to allow us to be able to live and feel better and better, however I consider that the IoT is going to have a strong social impact Above all in the way we will relate to the environment, it is up to us that this impact be as positive as possible.
I hope you have a very happy weekend!
Hello friend @karupanocitizen
It's been some time since I last visited your blog, sorry about that, your title brought me back, may be the word IoT caught my curiosity to know your views on this topic lol. Certainly this you express "the idea is that in the not too distant future, everything is connected to the network and interacts automatically, including people, processes and data", is the central objective of the great technological advances in times of modernity, which by the way I hope it will be in favor of humanity.
Best regards, be well.
Greetings my dear friend @lupafilotaxia, you were already missed here xD
Do not worry brother, I know that you are aware of everyone, a pleasure to see you again for the comments on my blog.
Indeed, the IoT is a technology that has been improving for years and as things are going, it is very likely that in the medium term it will become our standard of life, there was only a tool that could process data autonomously, economically and without the intervention of a central organization and it already appeared, sure you know what I mean ...
Yes, the blockchain!
Hi @karupanocitizen I also really enjoyed the Matrix, when we thought it would be very distant from those events. We now find that the IoT allows systems to be remotely sensed and controlled through the existing network infrastructure, so there is integration between the physical world and computer based systems, greetings good and interesting your publication instructed me your reading, thanks
Greetings dear @applause, it is always nice to see you in the comment box, I really appreciate your opinion.
Who would have thought a few years ago that the Matrix would be closer than we think? XD.
Indeed, the way we relate to the environment is changing radically, the good use that we apply to all that technology is what will determine the future of humanity in the coming years.
Greetings and have a very happy weekend!