What you focus on, expands
While doing some activities like cooking, or fixing something in the house, I usually listen to music on some occasions, but really what I do most is listen to audio books or some video that interests me, or speeches in English to tune my ear in that language.
I am finishing listening to an audio book by Wallae D. Wattles called "The Secret of Unlimited Wealth ". Obviously, it's not about getting rich overnight, I don't think that's the case, I think it's a process, and that wealth as such will not necessarily come to everyone, even if they do things right, but that's another topic.
But a phrase that particularly stuck in my mind, and even though the book deals with a purely economic topic, the reality is that it is applicable to everything in life:
"What you focus on, expands" Wallae D. Wattles.
A very real phrase, which tells us what we must do to achieve goals. Not in such a literal and direct way, it is not possible that we all interpret it in the same way because the dreams that each of us have is different, probably some of us don't even have goals, and don't find sense in this phrase, but I particularly think that it is transcendental.
I tend to be very stubborn and focused on what I want, I get something in my head and I feed it every day, I think about it, I visualize it and I plan a thousand ways to achieve it, and I unravel all the plans until I reach the most convenient one based on what I have, that's how I can achieve some things, others not, but not so fast.

We will encounter many difficulties along the way, it is normal, we will have many "possible focuses", many lights can call our attention, but the ideal is to focus on one thing, the one that fills us the most, and work hard to achieve it. The more we think about it, analyze and work the faster we can achieve it, and it is not by magic, but because what we focus on has the tendency to become more visible to our eyes, and therefore, more achievable.
I wanted to share this message, starting this month, which brings us closer and closer to the end of a year that for some has been very good, for others not so good, but still, we must continue to move forward.
May you all have a great last quarter of this year 2022.

Hi @josevas217 Greetings, you have dealt with a topic that is always interesting, focusing, it is somewhat difficult at times, but nevertheless all our potential must be directed to learning to focus, there are multiple benefits that this brings to our lives. The approach will provide clues about the way forward. A good approach will answer the question: "Is my approach compatible with my approach?" The answer to this question is the basis for decision-making, for the construction of the itinerary that is traveled in life
I understand your point, learning to focus is necessary to be able to really give attention to what deserves it. Thanks for your support.