Money, Empowerment & Tech In Governmental Institutions; How Does The State Maintains Total Control?
Just like Google has access to almost everything people does, from consumer's behaviour to personal informations to other informations it's obvious most government in the world wish they could even predict the thoughts of people, their ideas and probably prospective choices and look for a way to manipulate it. Governments loves selling lies to the public and an example is the hoax of peace and tranquility that you can find in communist China.
Money is being laundered everyday through excessive taxation, public service provision, through the oil trade with other countries nevertheless countries like Nigeria are always trying to create a poverty stricken PR to the world so as to get grants and convince their electorate that they're truly poor.
No government wants their citizens to plan revolutions, plan overthrow the state and sell plausible deniability, covering up their financial crimes and living their means without any check from anyone. Thats Why things like AI (artificial intelligence) in voting systems has always been kicked against, the government prefer analog systems that can be maniplulated so as to sell confusion everyday through politicians, media houses, public statements and a lot of other format.
They have succeed in selling to the world that they're infested with covid-19 and hence needs funds as palliative to disburse via multiple channel, recently the world health organization (W.H.O) has removed Nigeria from list of those to get the covid vaccine, why is this generally so?
Recent events in Nigeria has proven that covid-19 is almost a hoax, from the 6 to 7 weeks endless #endsars protest of which hundreds of people partook in and yet the total population seem healthy even after three months of the protest. One thing is, the government loves creating the perfect environment but on a normal ground the Nigerian environment is recked.
The only way to create a different mindset in people is to change the current system of operation yet they spend time and money carving out dirrectives and policies to rather censoring people. This is to say that information is power, the information of the activities of government in the hands of radicals can overthrow a government in power and that is why you see a lot of censorship.
Censorship through the media and the use of the military. Now another thing that is power apart from information is wealth. The power to create money this is crypto trading and the ownership of digital assets. There is a massive circulation of information that bitcoin was used to fund the nationwide protest that nearly turned Nigeria into a state of emergency three months ago.
Of course the government wouldn't want people to be empowered, they want a clueless populace that will conform to the hardship, the unemployment and the inflation. They don't want people to question the corruption that's eating deep in the system and the funny thing is they know they have to take power from people. Cryptocurrency is power to the people and that's why it's being taken, twitter is still toothless.
They consider people who tweet on twitter as a bunch of clueless citizen with nothing to prove and that's why twitter activities aren't yet regulated or ceased. In other world control is everything thing, the systems of government hardly matters provided everything passes through the government. Iresspective of our technological advancements as the human race our practices can only evolve and it wouldn't change.
This would mean that government will continue being manipulative and as much as it exists as a callous institution nothing will change; this is to particularly talk about African government. Technology to change the world will come but most government would reject it because it'll expose them. The future of some government will only change with the right tech and empowerment of people but for now, the system is analog and painstakingly redundant.
If we are talking about Nigeria, I have long ago believe that nigeria didn't have government. They just have group of people who are chasing their own selfish gain and desire. Perhaps that's why WHO removed nigeria from the list